Cats is in Theaters

What did you think?

While I haven't seen Cats yet, a friend sent me a bunch of reviews that show a widely mixed bag between critics, who largely despise the film so far, and audiences, who like but don't love it. The funny thing is that many people who hated it still actually had fun watching the movie, which is kind of baffling. If you liked it, shouldn't you rate it better? We're so focused on what's "good" that we forget that simply being enjoyable is "good," too. I haven't seen it yet to know if I like it or not, but I've seen a few movies critics hated that I still enjoyed. 

When the trailer for Cats came out, I remember feeling a bit horror-struck. It felt more like Wonderland, which is fine since I love that fandom too, but it was almost scary. In fact, viewers made scary trailers to go along with it! The cast is phenomenal which makes me really root for it.

Have you seen it yet? What did you think? 

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Cat And Man Perform Scene From Ghost

Not really, but this is pretty adorable

Have you ever seen a cat work on a clay sculpture at the wheel beside a human sculptor? Check out this video to see an eager cat take part in the creation of new art. It's so adorable I've watched it a few times! I could definitely see my cat doing this, too. They want to be involved in everything we do, and some of my cats like to lay down right in the middle of a game board while we play games, get into art supplies while we're making things and generally be a part of the fun. I think the only reason they've never done this is because they've never been a pottery wheel!

Honestly I think selling pots with cat prints on them (or at least pots that have been touched by cats during the process) would be a pretty good business as much as cat lover like us adore cats. I don't know if I would pay extra for one, but I'd certainly be interested in a pot if it were partly cat-made!

Does your cat do anything like this? 

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All The Cat Drama

How do you deal with fighting cats?

All of my cats are fabulous and I wouldn't trade them for anything... but I have one who's as timid as can be and another who likes to bully her. I hate seeing my cream-and-white Pumpkin cower while my long-haired tortie, Sally, chases her, smacks her and torments her. The other day Sally swiped a chunk of fur! It's not something that happens all day (I work from home), but it's bad enough to where I try to separate them if I'm gone, and if Sally's in a room Pumpkin will almost always avoid going in that room.

That said, they have moments where they'll even sleep near each other on the couch or bed! I don't understand it at all. I'd love to hear about other cat owners who deal with a similar situation and how you get your cats to get along. All of my cats are fixed and have their claws, if that matters (I'm not going to declaw, if that's the advice). We've had Sally, age 3, for two years, and Pumpkin, age 6, for one. Both came from the Humane Society. Some have told me to find a new home for one of them and while I don't think it's THAT bad to warrant such a drastic move, I do want Pumpkin safe and happy. 

So what would you do if this were going on in your home, and what have you done in the past to get your cats to get along?

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Holiday Houses For Cats

Share yours!

My sister loves to spoil her cats with seasonal gifts. They are her children, after all! She shared some of the adorable Christmas cat houses they have at Target this year and I must admit, I kind of want one for my own cats. They aren't as expensive as I had guessed, and they would add a big, colorful spot of cheer in the room!

First there's the Ski Chalet double decker cat scratching post, which gives space for multiple cats, and then there's the RV, which we both agree is the cutest but not the best for multi-cat families. I can't even with those holiday lights! They are so cute and cheerful. There are a bunch of cute seasonal toys, too.

Do you have a seasonal cat house, scratching post or toys that you like best? Show us in the chat!

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Cat Cookies

What kinds do you serve?

Do your cats know what "cookies" are? At my house, the dogs and cats come running if we offer "cookies," which is what we call treats, but they also sell homemade cookies for cats and dogs. I went into a specialty shop the the other day where they actually sold homemade cookies made for dogs and cats! They are so beautiful that you 'd think they are made for humans instead. I ended up getting my cat a bag of freeze-dried fish (and I say cat because the rest of the felines would have nothing to do with it!), but I had a hard time justifying spending $4 per dog on a cookie they'd have gone in seconds. 

But I did see that you can make your own at home for a fraction of the cost, which I would definitely be willing to do. I've made my dogs sweet potato treats at home and would love to try my hand at cat cookies, too. I thought I'd also put a call out to see where you get your cat cookies, how much they run and if you can buy them online.

So where's your favorite place to get cat treats? Share it in the chat!

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Cats Bond With Their Humans

Finally, some scientific proof!

Years ago, it was announced that like humans, dogs' brains make oxytocin when they look into the eyes of their owners, thereby bonding with them, just as their owners do back. Researchers wondered if cats did the same, and a new study indicates that cats, too, bond with their owners. As anyone familiar with cats can attest to, they obviously don't demonstrate this affection as noticably as dogs do, but they definitely still form bonds with their humans.

Have you ever wondered if your cat was really bonding with you--or if he just looked like he might eat you if you were a wee bit smaller? I must confess that I've pondered something similar with certain cats, but that makes even more sense if they only bond with one human. We have multiple cats in our home and each one chooses a different human. I think that deserves some study! Would my teen's cat, for example, eat me if I were mouse-sized? Probably, but he's so loving and wouldn't harm anyone, compared to another cat we have who doesn't mind clawing up a person.

Do you think your cat has bonded with you like a dog? Share your reasons why or why not in the chat.


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Cat Lovers Store

All cats, all the time!

Cat lovers, I just stumbled upon a cat superstore that offers every cat goody under the sun. It's the purrfect place to find gifts for all of your cat-loving friends for the holidays, and the shipping rates look great. It's called eCatShop and they carry everything from car accessories to cat toys, phone accessories and even apparel. 

I can get lost on Etsy for hours checking out cat goodies, but it's nice to find a place where you can get everything for one shipping rate. They've got mugs, wind chimes, clocks, backpacks, you name it! They have adorable cat air diffusers for your car to help it smell nice, Totoro-themed cat gear (I really want to get this bed for my cats, but I think they'd just ignore it and the dogs would try to fit in it instead) and jewelry featuring--you guessed it--cats. 

I could really browse this site all day, even if I think some of the items are a bit weird (hello, giant cat on a shower curtain). What do you think of the cat goodies at eCatShop? Have you shopped there before? Tell us about your purchases in the chat.

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When Other Objects Get Cat Faces

The hilarious results!

Have you ever wondered what a hedgehog might look like if it were bred with a cat, or what a cat might look like if he was actually an ice cream cone? Yeah, many of us have never considered either of these possibilities, but those who have can now check out the photos of the results of the incredible yet disturbing combinations. 

Cats as koalas, pandas, even loaves of bread... there are mashups of them all with the face of this adorable cat who can't have any idea what an Internet sensation it's become. Now that we've seen the photos (and filers are starting to work on animals), I'm sure the possibilities will be endless as more blended cats are brought to fruition. Hey, as long as artists stick to edited photos and not science experiments, I'm here for it.

Now we all need cat bears, right? That's definitely my takeaway. What's yours? Tell us in the chat.

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Banning Cat Declawing

Are you in favor of a ban?

St. Louis is considering a bill that would ban cat declawing unless it's necessary for the health of the animal, even when performed by a veterinarian. Given that declawing is a cruel and painful act on a cat that leaves it defenseless if ever abandoned or left to fend for itself for any reason, this is something that most cat lovers will celebrate. As tedious as we find having our furniture and doorways used as scratching posts, even when we provide perfectly good posts, we love having our cats intact more. 

I know my cats have gotten out of the house on occasion, which is why we have learned to put them up when we have company. Weighing the stress and possible loss of a cat is hard because they don't like being locked up, even if in a cozy bedroom, but I've had enough scares to prefer locking up to losing. If my cats ever got out again I'd want them to be able to protect themselves from other animals, and I also don't want to subject them to any unecessary and painful procedures for no reason.

What do you think about declawing? I'm sure there are some medical cases that might require it, but otherwise I'm obviously against the procedure. Share your thoughts in the chat.

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Best Cat Names

It's been a while!

Cat lovers, how long has it been since we've had a good old cat name showdown? Cosmo has a list of 50 of the best cat names that are popular right now, and I must admit, many of them are adorable. From Simba to Oliver, Loki to Cleo, there are lots of great ideas, not to mention cute cat photos to peruse!

At my house, right now we've got our beloved eight-year-old, Noke (pronounced No-key, because originally he was Princess Mononoke), my teen's companion animal and best friend since age six; Sally, also known as Tardigrade and Sally-Bear, who is three and so fluffy she has to get haircuts; Gizmo, short for Gizmo-Spock, our youngest, who is still part kitten even after her recent spaying; and Pumpkin, which is short for Pumpkin Spice Latte, my "rebound kitty" after my heart, Sky, died last year. We decided to name her something I love so I think about it when I say her name and while I wish I'd waited, since she's not exactly my favorite kind of cat, she's growing on me.

What do you think? What kind of names do your cats have? Share them in the chat! If you're looking for a great new name, be sure to ask that, too.

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