Keeping Kitty Safe And Calm Post-Surgery

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In the middle of one of our most hectic weeks of the year, our cat had to have surgery. She's doing great, but it's been fun keeping the cone on her so she doesn't lick the glue that's holding her stitches shut open! It's also been fun keeping her away from the rest of the cats and dogs, some of whom want to help her lick herself clean. Isn't that sweet of them...

Luckily we have the space to set up a room for her, complete with litter box and dishes, but it does mean that she's taken over my office, which is a bit unfortunate while I try to work. She wants to be cuddled constantly, which I love, but it can be distracting. I've also had to stop her from trying to scale heights and wedge behind things, one of which helped her pop that collar right off! It's been six days, and they said she'll need to be kept like this anywhere from 10 to 14, so at least we're halfway there.

What do you do when your cat has to be kept calm and safe post-surgery? Share your tips in the chat!

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The Best Cat Jokes

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Cat jokes and memes are some of the best entertainment we have, don't you think? Cats are so funny already, so it makes perfect sense for their behavior, when explained or even roasted, to be just as entertaining. Whether you like jokes about how cats "own" their humans, how cats are jerks or how they differ from dogs, they are some of the funniest, and often even the cleanest, jokes around.

Some of the best cat jokes I've run across actually come from veterinarian offices! I love this, especially since it often gets cats that are up for adoption some attention. For example, one vet's billboard reads, "If cats could text you back, they wouldn't." My favorite? "If the Earth was flat, cats would push everything off it."

Do you have any great cat jokes? Share them in the chat!

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Professional Funny Cat Videos

These are even better than the tickling kitten video

We all love a good cat video, and many of us could waste hours on the Internet (and have) just watching and enjoying them. So when a professional video editor inserted videos of his cat into popular movies and TV shows, of course it's something we all need to see and celebrate!

If you've ever wanted to see a cat starring in The Shining or Game of Thrones, you need to check these out. Prepare for hilarity like you've never seen. Of course, if you like kittens in movies, you definitely need to check out this channel. In fact, if you're having a rough day, I insist that you watch these! 

Did you like them? Which was your favorite? Share your thoughts and your own funny cat video links in the chat.

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Russian Blue Cats

Do you have one?

Having had cats for most of my life, it's strange when I think of all of the various breeds I've never adopted. I almost said "owned," but cats pretty much own you! I have one clawing up my office chair as we speak. I tend to gravitate toward tortoiseshells, long-haired cats and especially black cats; I don't think I've ever been without a black cat for long. But I've never had a Russian Blue, and seeing these photos of Russian Blue cats makes me really want one!

Just look at those gorgeous green eyes. My current cats all have variations of yellow/orange eyes so these look especially pretty to me. My husband did have a Russian Blue when he was a teenager but he hasn't had one since adulthood, and I wonder if we should make that our next cat. We get shelter cats, so it's pretty much get what you get, but he's got his heart set on a Maine Coon and a Sphinx someday. We do have a cat that's part Maine Coon right now but he's on the smaller side, and we'd love to have a HUGE cat! All three of my sister's cats are enormous and dwarf my cats.

Do Russian Blues tend to be on the larger side? If you have Russian Blues, tell us about them in the chat!

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Telsa Creates "Dog Mode" To Benefit Pets In Cars

What do you think?

It's a scorcher where I live today and I wouldn't dream of leaving my dogs or cats in the car for any reason, but I don't own a Tesla. Tesla owners are being introduced to an impressive new feature called Dog Mode that will regulate their cars while animals are in them to ensure they are cool and safe, and they'll even display a message to concerned passers-by to let them know the animals are okay. It's pretty brilliant, especially if you're, say, on the way home from the vet and have to stop and pick something up really fast but your pets can't come with you.

As cool as it is, I am still old school enough to where I don't fully trust anything that makes us fully rely on tech, including cars themselves, and I think I'd still worry about my animals if they were left in a heat advisory like this one. I think it's great for emergencies but I don't think I'd rely on it regularly. People who rely on things like that regularly to lock their doors, check on sleeping infants, etc. already worry me to death.

What about you? What do you think of Dog Mode? Will you be using it?

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Cloning Cats

I'll never sleep again

Have you heard that cloning cats is all the rage right now? Apparently since celebrities are cloning their dead cats, everyone who has $25,000 to blow is doing it, too. And when the cat is "born," it's so much like the original cat that this couple actually named it the same name.

You guys... I can't even. Is this proof that we are indeed a computer simulation? Or simply past the point of no return? Cloning always felt so far away, even though we all know it's been going on for years, but now people can just pay to have it done. What if people are cloning people already? What if there are people we meet that are cloned--or pets we adopt who are clones? This is bonkers. Our planet's in climate crisis that will only be worsened by more people, there are beyond enough cats already born every day that need adoption already, it's a grotesque amount of money that many families don't even make in a year... and people are cloning their cats.

I have to admit that when I thought of how I lost Sky last year, if given this option it would be tempting. But it wouldn't be Sky, and it wouldn't be right--I've since adopted another cat who needed a home. 

What do you think of cloning animals as pets?

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Adorable Slippers Make Cat Paws Out Of Your Feet

Do you have any animal footwear?

While I'd never advocate for putting actual cats on your feet, these cute cat shoes are pretty irresistible! They are shaped like cats, and while they're not fluffy or furry like some slippers, they look like they'd be great flip flops for the beach or general summer life. Then again, you could always try buying a cheap pair of your own that are too big and cutting them into these shapes--or even using Sharpies to decorate them the specific way you want them to look. You could even make Garfield stripes.

Of course, if you wanted more protection and a little bit more of a kawaii look, how about these cutie cat shoes with faces on the toes? They are closed toe, so they're better for driving and activities where you may not wish for your toes to be exposed. Kids might also like these adorable shoes with cats wearing floral crowns, which is pretty much too cute to handle. 

Do you have any cute cat footwear? Share yours in the chat!

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Memorial Ornaments For Your Cat

This company makes them out of ashes

Have you ever heard of cremation infused glass? It's when ashes are fused into a memorial ornament for a necklace, holiday decoration or other bauble to help remind you of a lost loved one. At Davenport Memorial Glass, you can get them made for both humans and animal companions. 

There are paw prints, marbles and other knicknacks you can choose from to make the perfect memorial memento. When I lost my 11-year-old Sky last year, it devastated me. She was, aside from my husband and my kiddo, my best friend. It's been a year and I still don't sleep as well as I did with her. But our vet took her paw print and made a memorial of her, which is on my dresser now, and I look at it every day and remember her. I'm sure one of these glass treasures would be a wonderful gift for someone mourning a lost pet.

How have you memorialized your pet? Share your most healing moments and ideas in the chat.

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Yes, Female Cats Spray

It's not as bad but just as annoying

My one-year-old cat is in heat, and we have to get her in to get fixed ASAP because she's begun to "scent" everything. I wrote about how we use her "calming box" to help her quiet down, and it does help to keep her calm--it's just an open cardboard box she can lie down in and look at us from the top, the same kind of typical cardboard box any other cat enjoys playing in--but now that she's peeing everywhere to try and attract a mate, and annoying not just all of us but my neurtered cats as well, it really is time to spay the last cat!

I thought I'd share this because many people think that female cats don't spray, and while it's true that it's not the same, and that male cats' spray is so terrible that it will ruin everything you own (including my favorite messenger bag a decade ago!), a female cat's urine also works as a signal to other cats that she's in heat. I don't know what's worse, her wailing or her peeing, but I've got a few books from the bottom book shelf ruined because of it.

Have you ever had a female cat spray in your home? This is my first time, although I've had male cats do it, and I think it's just because I usually adopt them already spayed. Any tips to keep her calm while we book the appointment?

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Mega Gifts For Your Cat

If you could make one of your cat's dreams come true, what would you do? Get it live mice every day to eat? Grow catnip in every room? Maybe you'd make an entire room of your house into a catio. However you'd do it, you'd sure make a happy cat.

This cat owner surprised his feline friend with a room full of toilet paper! I have multiple cats, but one is especially prone to shredding paper--in fact, yesterday I had to stop her from shredding tissues from the facial tissue box in the living room! So I know she'd love this kind of surprise. It's the kind of thing one might do for a cat's birthday (in fact, today is that cat's birthday in my house, so maybe I should do something special) or another special occasion.

What special treats or enrichment events do you plan for your cat or cats? Share your tips in the chat!

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