Cute Cat Ladders
Cats need furniture, and if you don't provide it, you might regret it. I have shredded doorways and my own shredded furniture to prove it! You learn the hard way when you have cats, right?
Cats need furniture, and if you don't provide it, you might regret it. I have shredded doorways and my own shredded furniture to prove it! You learn the hard way when you have cats, right?
Are you looking for something to cheer you up or just give you warm fuzzies? If so, this list of adorable critters may be just what the doctor ordered. Not every animal in this list is a cat, but the cats in the list are definitely cute. You'll find mothers with babies, wild cats, domestic cats lounging in the sunshine and more.
Watch out, the giant cats are coming! They'll stomp your car, squash your house and make the Hellboy demons look pathetic! Okay, that's not very hard to do, but even so, these enormous cats look super funny because they've been manipulated by an artist who has reimagined them as giants. Remember the cats we shared a few weeks ago where you could look at them from under a clear glass table?
If you're a Freddie Mercury fan, you know how much the singer loved his cats. Queen is everything in my house, not only since I've been a lifelong fan but because my 13-year-old loves to cosplay as Freddie, sing every song of the band's on Singstar and pretty much demand the music 24/7. This was before the movie, but seeing it did intensify my kid's interest!
Can we all just agree that the best part of the Internet is free access to unlimited cat photos and videos? I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at cats (or bunnies or llamas, for that matter. Or baby goats or...), and this collection of cats perched on glass surfaces is unique because you get to see the felines from the opposite side we usually catch them from!
More and more people seem to enjoy the idea of feeding their pets a vegan diet and I'm here to tell you that if you want to have a vegan pet, get a bunny. Buns are adorable, funny and will enjoy a vegan diet every day. So will chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters... you get the idea. If the idea of eating meat, even when it's your pet doing it and not you, is off-putting, then do not adopt a carnivore. It's completely unfair to that pet. How would you like it if some alien ape-like species adopted you and only fed you raw steak because that's what they ate?
Homeless pets always get us in the feels, don't they? In a perfect world, all cats and dogs would be spayed and neutered, preventing many homeless pets in the first place, but until we can get there hopefully people will continue to rescue pets who need help. This poor cat named Cotton was so rough when found (warning: photos are disturbing) that his transformation is just about unbelievable.
People often say that their pets mimic them in both the way they look as well as their own behavior, and I've found the sentiment to be true with many friends and family members. I'm not sure if it has merit across the board but I definitely know some people whose pets look and or even act like them, and this series of photos of pets who copy their owners reminds me of many of them!
You may have heard about the mind-altering illness known as toxoplasmosis that's carried by cats. Pregnant couples are especially warned about the disease, which was typically throught to be harmless in most cases. Around 60 million people in the United States are thought to carry the parasite, but now studies are showing that those who do might have a 50% higher risk of developing schizophrenia.
Everyone has their own argument about how, where and why cats like to be pet. As a cat owner my entire life, my argument is simply wherever that particular cat likes to be pet! Every cat I've had has had its own preferences. One even liked her belly scratched, although most preferred under the chin, behind the ears or on the sides of the face. I have one right now who really likes you to just pet from forhead to neck in a downward motion and that's IT. Queen Sally will have nothing else, thank you.