
Cats by Zodiac Signs

Whether or not you believe in the zodiac, it's still kind of fun to see things like this piece from Elite Daily, which explains which cat you should get this year based on your zodiac sign! Please don't use this as a real barometer of whether or not a cat is right for you; you need to visit with the cat and make sure he or she is a good fit with your personalities. It's still fun to read, though.

Keep Black Cats Safe

While Halloween stands for a time of celebration, frivolity and even reverence to some people, to others it unfortunately means cruelty. The long-held superstitious beliefs surrounding black cats has resulted in a gruesome custom of torturing and killing black cats for some cruel people. Some say it's an urban legend and some vets confirm it's true, but there are a couple of things you can do to help black cats whether it's true or not:

1. Adopt a black cat!

Black Shelter Cats Go Unadopted

It's so hard for me to understand why black cats are the last cats to get adopted and therefore the first to get euthenized. Why don't people love black cats like I do? My first cat was black, fluffy, gorgeous and one of my best friends. I still miss her to this day. Since then, I've never been without a black cat, owning three others so far. I'm sure I'll never be without one. 

Nope, Cats Are Not Kids

Can you leave your cat home without hiring a babysitter? Can you sleep through the night without having to feed your cat every 2-3 hours from your body? Do you worry about your cat constantly, especially when it refuses to eat or gets a fever or needs to go to the hospital because of RSV or is born prematurely and needs to stay in the NICU for three months or pay thousands of dollars to fix its teeth or give it a good education or try to help it become a responsible citizen or or or...

Animal Advocacy

You hear about how you have to become an advocate for your own child as a parent, but the same applies for your pets. Recently we adopted a cat and brought her home to discover not only that she had a respiratory virus (that could easily be transferred to my other pets!) but that they'd had some sort of outbreak and several cats had the same virus at the shelter. Um, what? We are supposed to get animals with a clean bill of health!

Best Sources for Cats

Let's begin by saying we don't rescue cats, or dogs for that matter. If you adopt a cat or dog, you paid for it. You did not save it from a trap, an alligator's mouth or a hoarder's neglect. If you did those things directly, yes, you can make the claim that you rescued the animal. How many people who adopt kids say they rescued the kid as a part of a conversation starter?


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