Cats May Bond To Humans More Than Dogs

So they don't just want to eat us after all!

All jokes aside, I've always suspected that cats bond to their humans closely. They choose us; every cat I've ever adopted chose someone of their own in the house to be theirs. The cat I selected chose my husband, the cat he selected chose me, etc. And when I lost my cat of 12 years, my heart absolutely broke. It's been almost two years and I'm still not over it. She was one of my best friends in the world.

Science has proven that dogs have powerful connections to their humans, and that they make the same attachment hormones as we do when they look in our eyes. It turns out that cats may bond to their humans even more than dogs do, which makes sense. After all, they domesticated us, not the other way around. Plus, cats are so independent it makes them harder for us to read, unless we know them well.

It really doesn't matter, since we all bond with our animal companions, but who do you think bonds more with humans--dogs or cats?

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Meds For Cats

Hopefully this startup will

If you've ever had a sick or injured cat, you know how hard it is to find a way to help. While many doctors will prescribe meds for cats with chronic conditions (my oldest is currently on four medications!), most really aren't approved for cats, and for a good reason: it can be dangerous. Cats usually don't get pain meds, either, since they can get hurt or die from them so easily. My big, hearty dogs are much easier to care for while sick or injured (although keeping them still is another matter; I'm so glad I'll never have to get them spayed again!).

That's why a startup like this one in Boston will be a lifesaver if it comes through with research development for animal drugs. I see that two conditions that cats we've had in the past had and died from are on the list, and this gives me hope that someday treatments will help pet owners who suffer like I did, and pets who suffered like my very much loved animals did, will be available.

What do you think of Invetx? What conditions do you hope they find treatments for soon?

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130+ Cats And Dogs Taken From Puppy Mill

A dozen shelters had to step in and help

It breaks your heart when you hear stories like this. 130 cats and dogs, if not more, were taken from a New Jersey puppy mill. A number of animals this large required the aid of a dozen local shelters to help care for and house the animals until they can find homes. 

Stories like these remind us to always adopt from a shelter and if you really feel like you need a breeder, make sure it's an ethical one. A friend of mine breeds collies and does it very humanely, with each dog socialized and loved as part of the family before it's adopted by collie lovers who want show dogs. My friend vets out each buyer just as buyers should vet out breeders. 

I like to stick to mutts myself but did you know that you can often find the breed you're looking for at Petfinder? Two of my cats were from the Humane Society and one was part Maine Coon, which is what we wanted. Where do you like to adopt your cats from? Tell us in the chat!

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Have You Met Meow Meow?

The new Grumpy Cat!

If you were a fan of Tartar Sauce, AKA Grumpy Cat, you might want to visit the Internet's new favorite grouchy-looking cat, Meow Meow. Meow Meow is from Taiwan and seems to have the perfect combination of graceful haughtiness, fluffiness and contempt that Grumpy Cat used to have. 

Meow Meow is also known for her "Batman" face, or the markings on her face that look like Batman's mask. Her owner says that even though she looks quite cranky, she's still a sweetheart. She's got an Instagram you can follow to see pics of her.

Have you seen any other fun famous animals recently? Share them in the chat.

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Bill Proposes Ban On Selling Cats

Dogs and rabbits would also be included.

A New York bill is proposing a ban on all retail sales of cats, dogs and rabbits, which would go into effect next year. Many other cities and states, including Maryland and California, already have these bans in place to prohibit pet stores from selling animals easily procured from shelters. The law would not impose a ban on animal breeders.

As someone who gets all of my critters from shelters (or family/friends who have babies on their hands), I would support this bill. There are plenty of animals already in need of new homes-too many, in fact--to advocate selling them in stores, too, and if we banned the sales in stores, it would hopefully draw more people to the shelters. 

What do you think of the bill? Do you think it would help shelters get a boost?

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Taming Kitty Tangles

How do you go about it?

Most of my life, I've had medium to short-haired cats, and although I always dreamed of having one with long hair, I never guessed at how badly her fur could clump up. This poor cat! Her fur can get so clumpy that it gives her trouble going to the bathroom and she needs frequent grooming help from her humans.

I must admit that we did some mat cutting, and I've since read that it's not the best idea. Vets say that it's easy to cut your cats when you do this and it can cause a trip to the emergency room! That terrifies me. I've spent enough time with sick cats at the ER that I really don't want to cause a visit myself.

Instead, keep the cat's hair dry and brush out the mats that aren't too hard yet. Try a wide-toothed comb, and start at the end and work your way up. There's also a mat comb you can invest in that helps with these. Finally, you can use electric clippers to remove stubborn clumps to help you keep from cutting the cat.

How do you get rid of mats? Any special tips from your vet?

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Track Kitty's Fitness With Purrsong Pendant

The key is to get to know your cat's routine

Have you heard that they make pet fitness trackers now? Behold one of them, the Purrsong Pendant! This little device helps you track not only your cat's movement throughout the day, but also the cat's sleep patterns. 

The idea is that the device will help you stay abreast of any changes in your cat's behavior. It's not about to help your cat get motivated to walk more or anything, but it will help you see if your cat's more lethargic than normal, which can be very helpful.

Now I need a cat fitbit to help me find out when my cat, who has gained some weight, steals the dogs' food! She likes to skip eating with her catmates and steal food from the dogs. I get that it's fun for her, but come on, it's not healthy, kitty.

Do you use any cat fitness devices? Which ones are the most helpful?

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Vituzzo Superstar Walks On Two Prosthetic Legs

He's one resilient cat

Cats are such strong creatures. They don't want you to know when they hurt, choosing to hide when they're in pain rather than depend on you (as we do them; mine know when I'm in pain and act like furry heating pads). One of ours has been battling a heart condition for months now and he's never appeared more regal to us.

This cat, called Vituzzo Superstar, lost his hind legs in a car accident while his owners were on their honeymoon. The Italian cat was treated and given a set of bionic prosthetic legs and now he's doing so well he has his own Instagram account!

Have you read about any inspiring cats lately? Tell us about them in the chat.

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A Cardboard Box Fit For A Queen

You don't need expensive toys to keep cats happy

In many ways, cats are like toddlers. For example, you give them a toy, and sometimes they're more interested in a cardboard box. Cardboard boxes are great toys for cats and it's really easy to turn them into instant cat toys.

These ideas show you some really cute uses for kitty cardboard boxes, like making those adorable houses we've all seen at Target or Aldi this past holiday. If you already have a box you received from a shipment or the store, why not use it instead? 

What's the coolest thing you've made your cat with cardboard? Share your ideas in the chat!

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Baby Yoda Cat

Very cute, it is

A few years ago, I saw a dog that looked just like an Ewok and wanted to adopt it so badly. We already have dogs and cats and I knew we couldn't get it because of those reasons, but now that there's a baby Yoda (Kevin?) cat I'm beginning to wonder if there really are any made-up characters in the Star Wars franchise. Maybe they're all based on real life pets!

Joy, a rescued cat who's on the road to recovery following wounds and illnesses she'd had as a stray, bears a small resemblence to "baby Yoda," or The Child from The Mandalorian, but even if she didn't I'm really loving how these shelters are trying to adopt their critters with cool campaigns like this. It really gets peoples' attention and encourages more adoption.

What do you think of Baby Yoda Cat? Do you have a Star Wars critter at home?

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