Mama Cat Cares for 14 Kittens

Super mom takes on adopted babies

It’s a story that reminds us why it’s so important to get cats spayed and neutered. A pregnant cat that was living in a house with two other pregnant cats ended up caring for and feeding all 14 of their combined babies when the other two mothers showed no interest in feeding their newborns. The owner surrendered the cat and all kittens to a shelter, where volunteers found the mama exhausted and malnourished from taking care of so many babies.

They were able to wean the oldest kittens, supplement the younger ones and get the mama, called Izabelle, back into shape. As poor condition as the mother was in, vets were astounded to find that all 14 babies were in perfect condition—even the smallest of them—thanks to the cat’s careful nurturing.

If you have a cat who needs spaying, please search for free or low-cost services in your area. Share your resources below for those who could use some help in getting their cats spayed and neutered.

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Klat Categories: 

Are Cats Really Jerks?

The jury is still out

People love to call cats jerks (or worse). Sure, they knock over your stuff, jump on you while you’re asleep and “fluff” your skin until it’s gored, but are they really any worse than any other species? Last week we talked about how cats really prefer to be around people and may even choose companionship over getting food or cat toys, so they can’t be all that bad, right?

Some internet memes are really tackling this question, pointing out that no matter what cats do, they don’t start wars, develop nukes or do plenty of other horrendous things that humans do, making them absolutely not-jerks when compared to humans. But look at how a cat tortures a bird or mouse before eating it; is that playing with your (live) food really such a nice thing to do, instinctive or not?

So what do you think: are cats really jerks?

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Klat Categories: 

Cats Like Us More Than Food

Maybe they think we're potential food

It’s hard to believe it (especially if you’ve got a cat who loves to push your glasses off the table and otherwise make your life miserable), but scientists are saying that cats prefer human company to eating. By studying 50 cats, they noticed that the cats preferred snuggling with humans than being given food. The cats also preferred spending time with humans to playing with toys, making us more fun to cats, too.

Anyone who’s ever had a cat sit on their face or “fluff” their head in the early hours of the morning might have a hard time believing any of it, considering that these cats usually want food rather than attention, but who knows? Maybe cats do really love humans more than they let on.

Does your cat profess his or her affection toward you? Or is he or she more of an aloof type?

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Blue Collar Cats Help with Rodent Issues

Have you ever had a friend tell you, “I wish I could borrow your cat!” after you talk about what a great mouser Mr. Whiskers is? Now businesses in Washington, DC can do just that while they gain not only a furry ambassador, but a complete pest control worker. The cats aren’t the cuddly type, so they can’t get homes otherwise, making the program a literal life-saver for them.

Blue Collar Cats is a project of the Humane Rescue Alliance. It pairs adoptable cats with businesses that need help with rodent problems. Businesses that are interested in a Blue Collar Cat can fill out an online submission form and find out about their availability.  

Could your business use a good mouser? Have you ever adopted a cat just for its mousing abilities?

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Klat Categories: 

Snake Gets Stuck in Cat's Nose

You often hear horror stories about cats dragging in mice, birds, squirrels and even snakes into their owners' homes. Some scientists say they are left as gifts, while others think that cats want to feed their owners who appear to be incapable of hunting for themselves! When your cat sneezes a snake out, however, that may be additional cause for concern.

When this cat sneezed out a snake, his owner was luckily able to pull it out and remove it safely without harming his cat, but how the snake became lodged in the poor cat's nose is anyone's guess. One theory is that the cat was eating the snake when, attempting to escape, it lodged itself in the cat's sinuses!

Has you cat ever had a close call with a wild animal? What happened and were you able to deal with it on your own like this owner?

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Homemade Cat Toys

Cats are some of the easiest pets to own (or should we say that they own us?). Sure, they can destroy things once in a while and randomly puke in your slippers for no reason, but for the most part they enjoy sleeping, eating and purring on your head.

You can sometimes avoid negative behaviors by playing with your cat regularly, and there’s no easier way to do that than to make homemade toys for them to enjoy. From the standard dangly string off a stick to the more involved hand-sewn mouse filled with catnip, you can make dozens of toys for your cat at home. Some people even get creative enough to build their own themed Star Wars cat boxes and hiding spaces.

What are your favorite types of free cat toys to make? Do you have photos of your cat projects to share?

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Klat Categories: 

Funny Cat Videos

Share your favorites

One of the best ways to pass the time on the Internet is to surf for the funniest cat videos or cutest cat videos you can find. Not only does it give you an instant laugh, but it also gives you something hilarious to pass around at work or on social media.

What kind of cat videos do you like to watch? Some people think it’s funny when cats get stuck, leap away from cucumbers or fall in water, while others believe those videos to be cruel. They may prefer cats chasing things, knocking off objects from the table or even “talking” to their owners. Still others may prefer cats just looking cute or strictly kitten videos.

If your day is bust and you need a quick pick-me-up, post your favorite cat videos in the chat below and watch other videos people have shared. Before you know it, you’ll start to feel better!

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Cat Cannibalism, Cat Hoarders and Cat Adoption

Get your cat news

If you love cats as much as I do, this news will break your heart. In North Port, Florida, a man named Andrew Gerberich neglected his cats so badly that they resorted to cannibalism after they were not fed. He had a total of 26 cats on his property as well as 9 dead cats, some of which had been eaten by the others in an attempt to survive. Gerberich is being held on a bond for $915,000 for aggravated animal cruelty.

A worse story comes to us from New Jersey where a cat hoarding couple had almost 100 cats in their condo. Some of them were dead. Cats were so cramped in the building that they were living in the walls and attic of the building. A hazmat crew had to come assess the situation with the police. Richard and June Dennis are animal lovers who took in too many cats, eventually filing for bankruptcy over spending all of their money on cat food each month. Charges have not been filed against the couple, who have had to foreclose due to their financial situation.

In White Settlement, Texas, the city council voted to fire the local library’s mascot, Browser (great name!). After the local citizens complained, it was decided that the cat could stay at the library. You have to wonder what goes on in a town to make this an actual issue on the ballot for the city council members, right? Perhaps it was a legitimate issue with some people complaining about having cat allergies and not being able to browse with Browser nearby, but some sources say that it was in retaliation to another employee who was denied the chance to bring a dog to work in a government building. Apparently Browser does a lot of good, too, though: he is in the annual calendar to help generate funds for the library, he “takes” GED classes with the citizens and even has an honorary diploma.

And finally in cat news, did you know that a lot of animal shelters run special cat adoptions during the spring and summer months when their centers are over-filled beyond capacity? Contact your local Humane Society or other shelter to see if there are any specials to adopt cats if you have been meaning to do so. Our local shelter had kittens for $20 and adult cats for free for one month.

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Klat Categories: 

Cat coat colors linked to personality

Calico and tortoiseshell rated the lowest

I remember the first time someone told me their theory that cat coat colors were linked to their personality. I brushed it off at the time, but in the years since then, I have heard it many times from a wide variety of people - from your average everyday cat lover to veterinarians.

Now, a study indicates there may be some truth to this old wive's tale. Led by an animal behavior expert at U.C. Davis, a questionnaire was sent out to 1200 cat owners. The questionnaire asked owners to rate their cats' behavior and personality, and also asked them to describe their cat's color. The study was blind - the participants didn't know what the study was for.

The result was remarkable. Calico and tortoiseshell cats came in at by far the least social, the most likely to hiss, and the most likely to scratch. Solid-colored cats and orange tabbies ranked the highest, being the most friendly and easy-going colors.

Researchers suspect the naughty behavior of calico and tortoiseshell cats might be linked to the fact that these colors have a double x chromosome. This is why there are almost no male calico or tortoiseshell cats - and those rare males are almost always infertile.

Lost cat found 16 months later, living it up in a cat food warehouse

Twice his size!

Most cats don't do well on a long absence. They come home matted, skinny, and desperate for food and attention. But not Clive, a Norwegian Forest Cat who slipped away from his home in Nottinghamshire, England in October, 2014.

Clive was found over a year later, having spent the missing months "feasting" at a local pet food warehouse about two miles from his house. Clive had become quite a thorn in the warehouse's side, because he was constantly setting off the warehouse alarm at night as he strolled around, snacking to his heart's content.

The shy cat slipped away from every attempt to catch him, until the manager finally managed to catch him in a live trap.

Upon being returned to his family, they remarked that Clive was downright "porky," and was about twice the size he was before.
