Why Cats Throw Up

No, they're not just being dramatic

If you have multiple cats, it may seem as if they spend half of their lives just puking all of the time. Hopefully that's just your own perception and not reality, since contstant vomiting would be a serious issue! But if your cat coughs up the random hairball or throws up on occasion, it's likely nothing to worry about.

You may already know that cats get hairballs from cleaning themselves (and that you can help by purchasing various hairball remedies and control food that helps ease their food and hair down a bit better), but did you know that they're a lot like us when we eat? If they eat too quickly or play immediately after eating, they can get sick. They can also get sick from eating too much! A common misconception is that only dogs do that, but cats can also do it. 

If your cat is throwing up daily, you should make an appointment just to be safe, but if it's once in a while, odds are that he or she will be fine. 

How many cats do you have and do they often throw up? What do you do for them when they do?

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Preventing Cat Scratch Damage

It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try!

Do you have a cat who loves to scratch the heck out of your furniture? Most cat lovers have experienced this at some point or another and while it's not always preventable, it can often be stopped with some ingenuity.

First, try spraying the area that your cat likes to scratch with something unpleasant, like bitter apple spray or vinegar. This will make it unattractive to the cat. Most cats hate citrusy scents, too, so that's another option. You can also cover areas with unappealing things your cat won't like scratching, like double-sided sticky tape or aluminum foil. Be sure to tell your cat, "No!" or make a disapproving noise while the act happens, too. If you wait until the cat is finished he or she won't understand why you are angry.

Next, place a scratching post where your cat typically likes to scratch. This will help encourage him or her to use it instead of the sofa! Once it's a habit, you can move the post and hopefully he or she will continue using it as they have learned to do.

How have you stopped cats from scratching in the past?

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Introducing a New Cat to the Family

How do you do it?

Recently my family adopted a new cat and we are going through the process of introducing her to our other pets. We've been in this situation before but it's been many years, and it's funny how much you forget! So far she's done pretty well, but both the other cats and the dogs have given her a tough time. The dogs have just been excited to see her, of course, but the other cats have done some hissint and attempted to start a fight or two. 

First we gave her a blanket that they like to lie on to help her get used to them, then we took her original towel and let them sniff it. They didn't seem very impressed but she was very curious about the blanket! Next we let them have a little time to visit supervised, which went so-so. There was some hissing but not much else. Now that she has the lay of the land there have been some scuffles but no serious fighting... so far. It's only been two days so hopefully they get accustomed to one another quickly.

How do you introduce your cat to your other pets?


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Animal Advocacy

Sometimes you have to be persistent

You hear about how you have to become an advocate for your own child as a parent, but the same applies for your pets. Recently we adopted a cat and brought her home to discover not only that she had a respiratory virus (that could easily be transferred to my other pets!) but that they'd had some sort of outbreak and several cats had the same virus at the shelter. Um, what? We are supposed to get animals with a clean bill of health! When we took her back three days later (we called on the second day and they said to wait a day), they tried to charge us hundreds of dollars to get her well again. It felt as if they'd given us a sick cat and made US pay for her treatment as a scam.

Thankfully we sorted it out this week and found out that the doctor was new and unaware of the policies of caring for a cat that was still sick after just days of being adopted, and the director thanked us for giving the cat her treatment and paying for what we could. On one hand, of COURSE we're going to do that. (She said some people would just bring the animal back). On the other, you don't adopt out sick animals only to profit off their medicine, either. Some persistent calling and writing got us our answers (and reimbursement) but who knows what others have experienced?

When have you ever had to be an advocate for your pet? How did it go?

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Most Annoying Cat Habits

How does your cat drive you nuts?

Believe it or not, when your cat does something really annoying, he or she may just be trying to tell you something. When they bite while you're petting them? They've had enough but can't tell you in another way. Okay, they could just walk away, but they don't want to get up. You know the feeling. Even if Fluffy has a reason for her annoying behavior, that doesn't make it less annoying for her human!

Whether she wails at 4 AM like clockwork, gets on your shoulder while you cook (yep, I've had one who did this!), knocks off your water glass or does other strange and annoying things, your cat probably drives you crazy pretty fequently. Of course you still love your cat, but oh, can it push your buttons!

How does your cat annoy you the most? Share your stories in the chat.

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Best Sources for Cats

Where do you adopt?

Let's begin by saying we don't rescue cats, or dogs for that matter. If you adopt a cat or dog, you paid for it. You did not save it from a trap, an alligator's mouth or a hoarder's neglect. If you did those things directly, yes, you can make the claim that you rescued the animal. How many people who adopt kids say they rescued the kid as a part of a conversation starter?

When you do adopt cats, where is your go-to place? Hopefully it's a shelter that provides neutering services and not a breeder or pet store, unless the store works with a shelter to help find homes for strays. We usually visit the Humane Society for our cats, although we did take some stray siblings we found once, too. We didn't take them to the HS to get spayed only because it's a drive and our vet was closer, but the HS usually has some pretty low-cost services that you can use to make sure your pets are healthy and non-reproducing!

Want to point other people in your area to the best adoption services? Share where you like to go in the chat.



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Most Expensive Cat Breeds

Would you buy one?

Can you believe that some people spent up to $20,000 on a single cat? We're not talking about tigers, either, but exotic house cats that can cost more than a car! The gorgeous Bengal cat pictured here, for example, is a cross between a wild Asian leopard cat and a house cat and costs up to $5,000. It's high energy and should only be adopted by responsible people!

From the Maine Coon to the Savannah, cats can cost more than a year at a local community college. Pretty crazy, right? Some people are even adopting caracals as pets.

Would you pay that much for an exotic breed? What kinds of cat breeds have you always wanted?

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Hairless Cats

Do you have one?

Hairless mammals are perplexing. Sometimes you look at them and you just wonder, "How do I cuddle you?" Cats are for petting! Sure, you can pet a hairless cat, but don't you miss the fluff?

Sphinx cats are not actually hairless, though. They have teeny, tiny fine hairs that are silky when touched. So while the tactile sensation can still be pleasant, there's still the visual to contend with. All creatures are beautiful in some way, right? Some people love hairless animals and others don't want anything to do with them.

Hairless cats aren't a natural phenomenon. They were selectively bred to look like that less than 100 years ago, during the 1960s. The cool thing about them is that since they're cold, they do tend to want to cuddle more for body heat--but that's pretty cruel, too. Why breed a cat without a coat to be cold?

Do you like pets without fur? What do you think of Sphinx cats?

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Give That Cat a Job!

Putting feral cats to work

Everyone mourns when we hear about dogs and cats that are "put down," whether it's due to longterm illness, old age or lack of shelter room. What if there were an alternative to this fate for more shelter animals? Some cities are putting their feral cat populations to work, helping themselves as well as the cats in the process.

In Commerce, California, for example, feral cats are being used by businesses that want to cut their rodent populations. Cats are great for this, and even though a couple of cats were too lazy to get the job done, another feral cat was perfect for the job, getting right to work taking down the pests of the company.

Have you ever put a feral cat "to work" in your business or home? How about a barn? How did it work out?

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Cats Scared of Fireworks?

Try some of these tips

Many pet owners find their furry friends quite distressed during Independence Day (and New Year's Eve) festivities, and for good reason. Those fireworks are complete mysteries to pets, who only know they are hearing noises that sound loud and scary. Just think if you didn't know what they were: would you still like them? No, you'd think that the country was at war or something!

Enter these videos narrated with the soothing voice of David Tennant. They are meant to provide a calming effect for your pets if they are stressed during fireworks. Unfortunately they're not going to do squat for chickens (I've had chickens begin molting due to the effects of fireworks) but they were created to help cats and dogs feel better.

Some other ideas include...

Close curtains, windows, blinds, etc. Minimize the effects of the noise and sight of the fireworks as much as possible.

Keep your pets indoors. This should be a given but some people may not realize it. 

Make sure your pets have their collars and ID tags on just in case they do get out and lost in the confusion. Startled pets may behave unpredictably.

What do you do to soothe your pets during fireworks season?

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