

The Puma Pet

Have you heard of Messi, the puma kept as a pet in Russia? The couple who adopted Messi did so in order to save the big cat's life. The zoo that housed Messi could not take care of the cat's many health problems, so when the couple, who fell in love with the animal, offered to buy the cat to keep as a pet, they were allowed to do so.

Baby Caracals Will Make You Smile

If the news has you down, this collection of baby caracals will perk up your spirits. Thinking Humanity is great at collecting fun photos of different animals but these baby caracals may be just what you need to get through the day, especially if the idea of a national emergency over not healthcare or global warming or Flint's water but a border wall has you growling every five seconds.

Kill Vs. No-Kill Animal Shelters

When we hear that animals are sent to a "no-kill" shelter, it often makes us feel better, doesn't it? When I hear about people "releasing" their pets, we think it's better if the shelter they go to is a no-kill one. I try not to judge people who have to find new homes for animals, as I've had to help my mom do the same when my father suffered a near-fatal accident that left her unable to care for a pet, and after my daughter came home from the NICU 13 years ago on an oxygen tank with a hose that had to go through the house that our beloved cats would have destroyed.

Literal Copycats

People often say that their pets mimic them in both the way they look as well as their own behavior, and I've found the sentiment to be true with many friends and family members. I'm not sure if it has merit across the board but I definitely know some people whose pets look and or even act like them, and this series of photos of pets who copy their owners reminds me of many of them! 

Cat and Dog Snuggling Cams

Creature comforts ought to allude to the love of a beloved pet, shouldn't they? Since they instead mean things like running water and a clean bed, let's call the kind of comforting we get from our favorite animals critter comforts instead. Critter comforts are in high demand but luckily they're also easy enough to find from the comfort of your home, whether you have animal companions or not, since everyone and his uncle posts pictures and videos of dogs, cats and other pets all of the time. In fact, when was the last time you went a day without watching cat videos?

How to Pet a Cat

Everyone has their own argument about how, where and why cats like to be pet. As a cat owner my entire life, my argument is simply wherever that particular cat likes to be pet! Every cat I've had has had its own preferences. One even liked her belly scratched, although most preferred under the chin, behind the ears or on the sides of the face. I have one right now who really likes you to just pet from forhead to neck in a downward motion and that's IT. Queen Sally will have nothing else, thank you.

Poison in the Garden

A woman who said she was sick of cats using her garden as a litterbox threatened to poison them on social media, going as far as to post photos of the poisoned meat and her garden as a threat to anyone who dared to let their cats outside. She should have known better than to do that, given that the Internet is forever and people started hounding her immediately. A woman even offered to clean her yard if she would "please not poison the cats" and the police were called.

Cat Training

Is it even possible to train your cat? Some experts give sound advice but every cat is so different and temperamental that it seems like a 50-50 shot no matter what you try. One of the best pieces of advice is also the worst: train them while they're young. It's true that it will probably stick better, but when you have an older cat or are trying to encourage people to adopt older cats, it's not the most helpful advice.

Those Terrible Cat Odors

Between us taking a 4-H roadtrip and the basement (where the litter boxes are located) flooding, our house has become cat stinking grounds this week. It's unfortunate because we have company over often and it's just unpleasant to live with, period. Do your cats "revenge pee" when you leave for a day or two as well? They seem to behave better when we get a "sitter" for them, but this time we just had someone come over to let the dogs out since we were gone for one night.

The Possum Took My Dinner

While it shouldn't be amusing to us to ever see an animal in distress (knowing what I know now about animals makes me unable to watch Homeward Bound anymore), sometimes our animal's expressions look like they had to have been made with CGI effects, they are so funny and cartoonish. This cat is a prime example.

When a racoon stole its dinner, this red ginger cat looked inside at its owner in horror. "Is this really happening!" The cat's face looks like it's animated.


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