Sheltering At Home With Cats

How are your cats keeping you entertained?

Now that many of us are at home with our pets all day, our pets are finding themselves making new adjustments, too! While a lot of dogs are thrilled to have their people home all day (except for those who like to sneak on the furniture when you're not there), many cats are surely surly about having to share their palaces with humans 24/7 all of a sudden. Still, cats provide endless entertainment for many of us, from giving us snuggles to chasing lasers and fake mice around.

There are plenty of things we can be doing with our cats during this time, too, from making new houses, scratching posts and houses for our kitties to trying out new toys and even growing catnip (mine is failing and I need to replant some). I ran across these cool wall scratching posts that I want to try to replicate next to the doorway trim my cats like to mutilate!

How are you doing with your cats at home? Are they reacting to having you home more than usual? Share your stories in the chat.

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