Minneapolis Cat Cafe to Expand

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Cafe Meow is such a hit in Minneapolis that the cafe is expanding with a bigger cafe in New Hope this spring. Cafe Meow has been in operation since 2018 and its model of a coffee shop adjacent to a cat adoption center is working out splendidly. Folks love to come get a drink or bite and visit the cats next door, and cats get adopted from loving coffee and tea lovers in the process.

Some cat cafes have cats roaming around to be pet, but they also have rules about not picking up the cats and letting the felines come to the patrons if they want to do so. Many also have resident cats who are not up for adoption. At Cafe Meow, people can pay a small fee and set up a time to come cuddle the cats just for snuggles, and they may decide to adopt a kitty during the process.

Are there cat cafes near you? What are they like? Share your experiences in cat cafes and locations where cat lovers might find them in the chat. 

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