Madison Bans Elective Declawing of Cats

If only the rest of the nation would follow suit...

Several cities have been outlawing the cruel practice of elective cat declawing, and Madison, Wisconsin just added themselves to the list. This is so important because declawing cats doesn't just strip them of any protection they have should they ever get lost or abandoned by their owner, it's also incredibly painful for the animals.

Many people assume that declawing is a painless procedure, much like getting your nails clipped. Unfortunately it's quite the opposite and involves an actual amputation. The cats' "knuckles" are removed in order to prevent claws from growing, and it's often done in an inhumane fashion. It has zero benefits for the cat, unless it's performed for a medical purpose, such as ridding the pet of a tumor.

Cats need to scratch, so if you can't cope with that, don't get a cat. You can help your cat by providing plenty of items they can scratch, like towers, cat houses and boxes. If you would like tips on how to get your cat to use these or have some to share, post in the chat!

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