Drink Wine with Your Cat Week

Why not take part?

For starters, don't go out and give your cat wine this week! That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works.

Whew. OK, now that you are ready to celebrate, grab your favorite bottle and pet your cat as you take part in National Drink Wine with Your Cat Week! Yes, this is a thing (because everything is now a thing) and there are actually cat friendly wines that are produced that you can buy so your cat can share with you. 

Meow and Chandan Rose, for example, was made by Pet Winery to start this crazy week off (see? There's your origins story!). It's got catnip and other cat treats in it so you probably don't want to try it yourself.

Will you be celebrating the week in any special way? Maybe it's business as usual at your house. What do you think of the "holiday"?

photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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