Does Your Cat Crave Dirt?

Better schedule a visit with the vet

If you've got an outdoor cat, chances are that you've seen it eat grass now and then. When they throw up the grass (which they cannot digest, by the way; the puking is normal), it can help them clean out the rest of the gunk (particularly hair) that they build up. But if you see your cat eating dirt, your cat may have a problem. Like other animals who seek out salt and other minerals, your cat may not be absorbing the nutrients it needs, which makes it search for them elsewhere--in this case, in the dirt.

The act of eating the dirt is called Pica, and it may not be a sign of anything bad at all. It's like cats who lick plastic bags: it could just be a personal preference. That said, some cats who eat dirt may be anemic, have cancer or other health problems. Get your cat checked just to be safe.

Does your cat engage in pica?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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