The trend of cloning pets is still going on, and now those pets are becoming Instagram famous. ViaGen, the company that cloned Barbara Streisand’s dog, Sammie, is charging people an incredible amount of money to clone their furry best friends--$35,000 for cats and $50,000 for a dog.
Folks who are cloning their pets say it's their money and they should get to do whatever they want with it, but is that really true, especially if it's ethically wrong to not only bring back a dead being--something that even Disney knows is a no-no; just ask Genie--but to spend tens of thousands of dollars on it while there are 3.9 million dogs and 3.4 million cats without homes right now?
That doesn't even go into how much good a supposed animal lover could do with that much money--how many pets could be spayed or neutered, or how many shelters could have plenty of food and supplies. And of course it doesn't even touch the people suffering who could use some help. It's absolutely mind-boggling to not see how terrible this is.
My best friend, a cat, died several years ago. Her paw print is by my bed. I look at it and think of her every day. I would never think she'd want to be cloned if she knew what that meant, and I made sure to adopt her spayed so we didn't contribute to more overpopulation. It's a clear cut answer for me.
What about you? If you could clone your best friend, would you, and why? Do you think this is an ethical practice? Share your thoughts in the chat.