Hairless Cats

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Hairless mammals are perplexing. Sometimes you look at them and you just wonder, "How do I cuddle you?" Cats are for petting! Sure, you can pet a hairless cat, but don't you miss the fluff?

Sphinx cats are not actually hairless, though. They have teeny, tiny fine hairs that are silky when touched. So while the tactile sensation can still be pleasant, there's still the visual to contend with. All creatures are beautiful in some way, right? Some people love hairless animals and others don't want anything to do with them.

Hairless cats aren't a natural phenomenon. They were selectively bred to look like that less than 100 years ago, during the 1960s. The cool thing about them is that since they're cold, they do tend to want to cuddle more for body heat--but that's pretty cruel, too. Why breed a cat without a coat to be cold?

Do you like pets without fur? What do you think of Sphinx cats?

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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