Mama Cat Cares for 14 Kittens

Super mom takes on adopted babies

It’s a story that reminds us why it’s so important to get cats spayed and neutered. A pregnant cat that was living in a house with two other pregnant cats ended up caring for and feeding all 14 of their combined babies when the other two mothers showed no interest in feeding their newborns. The owner surrendered the cat and all kittens to a shelter, where volunteers found the mama exhausted and malnourished from taking care of so many babies.

They were able to wean the oldest kittens, supplement the younger ones and get the mama, called Izabelle, back into shape. As poor condition as the mother was in, vets were astounded to find that all 14 babies were in perfect condition—even the smallest of them—thanks to the cat’s careful nurturing.

If you have a cat who needs spaying, please search for free or low-cost services in your area. Share your resources below for those who could use some help in getting their cats spayed and neutered.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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