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Your Worst Cat Story

Even cat lovers have them

Cats can be jerks. No one denies this. The extent of their jerkery, however, does vary, and whether you love or hate cats definitely affects your perspective. My grandmother used to have cats but one really bad scratch kept her from ever having a cat again--and this was years before I was born. As a cat lover, it's hard for me to picture a life without cats, but I can empathize with those who don't like them. 

I've had my favorite bag (bought while traveling in another country) ruined by a spraying cat (he also took out a futon mattress). I've had a cat kill a beloved ferret. My current fluffy Maine Coon has destroyed a couple of my favorite glasses (one was from a Comic Con). In most of these cases, I can empathize with the cat, too--they're just staying true to their nature and it was my own fault in most cases for just not being more careful.

That said, it's nice to be heard and swap our cat story sorrows! What's the worst thing your cat has ever done to you? Post about it in the chat and get it off your chest.



Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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