Are Cats Really Jerks?
People love to call cats jerks (or worse). Sure, they knock over your stuff, jump on you while you’re asleep and “fluff” your skin until it’s gored, but are they really any worse than any other species? Last week we talked about how cats really prefer to be around people and may even choose companionship over getting food or cat toys, so they can’t be all that bad, right?
Some internet memes are really tackling this question, pointing out that no matter what cats do, they don’t start wars, develop nukes or do plenty of other horrendous things that humans do, making them absolutely not-jerks when compared to humans. But look at how a cat tortures a bird or mouse before eating it; is that playing with your (live) food really such a nice thing to do, instinctive or not?
So what do you think: are cats really jerks?
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia