Couches for Cats

What are you making your feline babies?

Have you seen the people knitting tiny couches for their cats? This little phenomenon is so cute you can barely stand it! They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and you can make them for just about any size of cat.

Personally I love my cats cuddling on my couch with me, and I think they might fight over couches, even if we made them each a couch of their own! But it might be something fun to try, or even to make and sell if you enjoy fabric crafts.

Have you ever made a knit piece of furniture for a pet? Share it in the chat!

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Cute Cat Photos This Week

Share what you find!

One of my favorite ways to get through the day is to look at adorable photos of cats, and with so many people at home we're definitely not lacking in numbers of photos to look at! This cat, for example, is making its way around the Internet for sticking his wee little paw (or peets, as they're known among many cat communities) into the fridge!

Here's a cat who could work as a double for cast members of the film Ghost. Hey, watching Ghost might be a nice way to pass the time, too, eh?

What adorable cats have you seen lately? Post your links in the chat!

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Make Some Cat-Shaped Bread!

Have you tried this fun activity?

Staying at home may cause much stress, but it's also brought out the creativity among so many people that it reminds us what a creative species we are to begin with. Can you imagine what humans could do if we all had time to be bored on a regular basis? I maintain that's the one thing geniuses who've changed the world had in common (besides sheer curiosity)--time on their hands to experiment!

The latest trend in experimentation is to make loaves of bread shaped like cats. This is such a cute idea and it may come as no surprise that it stems from a trend in Japan. Japan is well-known for its super cute products and ideas, especially when it comes to both food and cats, so it's really no wonder that someone in Japan came up with this fun idea.

Have you made cat-shaped bread? How did it turn out? Share your experiences in the chat!

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The Biggest Cat Towers Ever

Share your finds!

A friend of mine made an entire "catio" for her cats, complete with a screened-in area and enormous climbing spaces. I hope to do this for my own cats sometime, but in the meantime it got me thinking about the largest cat towers and climbing areas I've ever seen. Once we adopted a cat from a woman who fostered them in her basement with a huge sectioned off space for them to stay safe and play in, complete with towers, tunnels and other fun things, and I always thought that maybe I'd do something like that someday.

These incredible kitty towers by RACoutu are an example of what some of us could do to really enhance our cats' lives. This guy made his cats intricate apartment towers to explore and enjoy, and I'm sure they do it every day--as long as there are no cardboard boxes nearby! It's amazing what people come up with for their animals and I love to see it.

What cool cat towers or BIG towers have you seen lately? Share them with us in the chat!

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Cats In Quarantine

Right now, there are so many of us having fun with our cats at home that it's rare to scroll through social media without seeing a new cat doing something goofy, wearing a silly outfit or otherwise entertaining its owners. Bored Panda has a list compiled of some of the best of these examples, but there are also great places to specifically find great cat photos, like the Facebook group, Not to Be Dramatic But I Would Die for This Cat.

I've even shared photos of my own cats doing goofy stuff lately because, let's face it, we are here to see it more often. I learned that my black and white cat, Gizmo, likes to hide between blankets like pita pockets. Pumpkin, our gentle orange and white cat, is loving having us home and wants to be on us as much as possible, while Sally, our salty long-haired tortie, is the opposite and is quite frankly fed up with us.

How are your cats taking quarantine? What funny cat videos and photos have you enjoyed the most? Share them in the chat!

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The Most Adorable Kittens And Puppies In Lockdown

Share your favorites!

One of the best things about being in lockdown is the sharing of resources, especially when they involve cute animals. Lots of people are sharing their cutest kitten and puppy photos and videos and it's definitely adding some cheer to many lives.

The Georgia Aquarium is one great example. They've let kittens and puppies "take over" the aquarium, resulting in some of the most adorable footage we've seen yet. The St. Louis Aquarium recently did the same thing, which resulted in adoptions all around within the same week! It's a wonderful way to entertain, help spread the word about adoption and even get a glimpse of the aquariums.

What cute kitty and puppy videos have you seen this week? Share them in the chat.

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Sheltering At Home With Cats

How are your cats keeping you entertained?

Now that many of us are at home with our pets all day, our pets are finding themselves making new adjustments, too! While a lot of dogs are thrilled to have their people home all day (except for those who like to sneak on the furniture when you're not there), many cats are surely surly about having to share their palaces with humans 24/7 all of a sudden. Still, cats provide endless entertainment for many of us, from giving us snuggles to chasing lasers and fake mice around.

There are plenty of things we can be doing with our cats during this time, too, from making new houses, scratching posts and houses for our kitties to trying out new toys and even growing catnip (mine is failing and I need to replant some). I ran across these cool wall scratching posts that I want to try to replicate next to the doorway trim my cats like to mutilate!

How are you doing with your cats at home? Are they reacting to having you home more than usual? Share your stories in the chat.

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Salty Cats Annoyed With Humans At Home

How is you cat reacting?

Many a meme has been shared of salty cats annoyed with having their humans suddenly at home all day long, and as hilarious as they are, they're not wrong--at least, not in my case! My cats are furious that we're home all the time and they can't, say, knock over cups of water we forgot about or shred something without us noticing. I can see them staring at us with those judgy eyes. "Why are YOU still here?"

The dogs, on the other hand, are mostly happy about it, although they're irritated about not being able to sneak on some of the furniture they normally sneak when we're not home. They have their own beds, blankets, rugs, etc. since my husband doesn't like our big horses on the furniture, but when we're not here... well, there's plenty of room for them on the furniture!

How are your cats reacting to you being home all of the time? Is it mostly same old, same old or are they getting annoyed with you, too? Tell us how your cats are reacting in the chat and share any memes you've seen or made!

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Cool Cat Caves

What kinds do you have at home?

It's a great time to spoil your cats if you're home with time on your hands, so why not buy, or even make, your own cat caves? Cat caves give your cat a place to snuggle up and hide, which they love to do. You might even want to arrange it somewhere high off the ground; many cats love to be as high as possible. Some of my cat caves are as high as my cabinets.

These felted cat caves are really cute! The artist makes everything from Harry Potter to Ziggy Stardust themes, as well as plain solid colors. You can find cheaper ones at online retailers, but they may not be as quality. You can also teach yourself how to felt during this time and make one on your own!

Have you ever made a cat cave? What kinds do you have at home?

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Reach Out to Your Local Animal Shelter

Many are in desperate need of help

The care and kindness that human beings respond with in terms of a global crisis are incredibly inspiring. While there are always some disheartening stories, the reality is that most people care, want to help and strive to help. As we've all heard multiple times this month, we're all in this together. Among the many businesses suffering right now are animal shelters, which breaks my heart.

Many shelters are already underfunded, overcrowded and short-staffed, so you can imagine what this pandemic is doing to their operations. Our local shelters are asking for help fostering animals since they are low on volunteers right now, and what better time is there to invite some furry friends into your life than when you're stuck at home anyway? If you can foster, please do! And if you can't but you can donate or help in another way, please consider doing so.

How are your local shelters doing? Are you fostering any cats right now? Tell us about your experiences in the chat.

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