Coping with the Loss of a Cat

We said goodbye to our eldest cat yesterday

It was by no means out of the blue. He was 16, losing weight, blind. He cried through the night in pain. The vet said it was the kindest choice for him, and that even if he had lived another year, he would have been miserable. But it was the first time that I ever had to have a pet "put down" as an adult. It sounds like a difficult choice but it's so much more than that. You almost feel like a monster even though you know it's the right thing to do.

We picked out some pretty cloth to bury Fuego in and the vet gently wrapped him in it. My husband dug a grave for him in the yard and cried; Fuego was "his" cat more than anyone's. He was supposed to be mine, but you know cats! Another cat chose me and Fuego, a lazy cuddler, chose my husband, which is kind of perfect, since he loves Garfield and that's pretty much Fuego for you.

I have no idea how you're supposed to get through this grieving process. It's such a weird thing to do, to put a cat "down." How have you dealt with the loss of a pet?


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Fun Cat Trivia

Test Your Knowledge

Did you know that the average house cat weighs between 8 and 10 pounds? How about the fact that if a cat lives in the wild, its life expectancy decreases to 4 to 5 years? Here are some more fun cat facts to test your knowledge about cats. Use them during your next game night or get-together!

Cats don't enjoy sweets.

You know how cats' ears always look like they are moving? Maybe it's because they have 20 ear muscles!

Cats are the most popular pet in America.

A group of cats is known as a clowder!

Cats make 100 different sounds.

Cats sleep 70% of their lives. Nap time...

Do you know any fun cat facts? Share them in the chat below.


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Your Worst Cat Story

Even cat lovers have them

Cats can be jerks. No one denies this. The extent of their jerkery, however, does vary, and whether you love or hate cats definitely affects your perspective. My grandmother used to have cats but one really bad scratch kept her from ever having a cat again--and this was years before I was born. As a cat lover, it's hard for me to picture a life without cats, but I can empathize with those who don't like them. 

I've had my favorite bag (bought while traveling in another country) ruined by a spraying cat (he also took out a futon mattress). I've had a cat kill a beloved ferret. My current fluffy Maine Coon has destroyed a couple of my favorite glasses (one was from a Comic Con). In most of these cases, I can empathize with the cat, too--they're just staying true to their nature and it was my own fault in most cases for just not being more careful.

That said, it's nice to be heard and swap our cat story sorrows! What's the worst thing your cat has ever done to you? Post about it in the chat and get it off your chest.



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To Love a Tabby

Share your favorite tabby pictures and stories

This handsome guy is my tabby, Fuego. We adopted him from the Humane Society 10 years ago (I can't believe it's been that long!) when he was six years old and he's been a constant, loving presence in our lives. We call him our "old man;" all he likes to do is sleep and he's been that way for a long time. That said, he likes to do it against you and he will issue a very quiet but distinctive purr to let you know how much he loves you. He's a little prince and he just went blind.

His health has been failing slowly for a couple of years now, but just this year he seemed to suffer some kind of stroke that left him much slower and more fragile than usual. He doesn't jump like he used to and he has a lot of potty accidents. The vet suggested putting him down and we agreed that it might be the most humane thing to do as much as we don't want to do it. Then our baby (well, two-year-old) tortoiseshell got sick and we used the funds for Fuego's euthenasia to treat her. Then her treatment didn't work and she died on us, and I'm still devastated over it a month later. I don't know if I've ever loved a cat that much and she was just so young.

Fuego just went blind a few days ago. We noticed when he started to bump into things. Coupled with his accidents and the way he yowls sometimes like he's in pain, I know we need to let him go. It's just very hard to do.

Have you ever had to euthanize a pet? How did you manage to do it?

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Cuddle Cats for a Living

Sounds like a win-win

Have you ever wished you could just cuddle cats for a living? Now you may be able to get your wish!

The vet clinic known as Just Cats has a new role available for a professional cat cuddler! The job opening is described as an opportunity to pet cats all day as well as to interpret their purring, speak softly to the animals and help keep the kittehs calm. The idea is to help cats relax while they are at the vet's office in order to foster their best health.

This single position has already received thousands of job application from around the globe so hopefully other clinics will pick up the popular idea and provide more jobs for cat cuddlers.

What do you think of this job? Would you want to professionally cuddle cats?

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Kitten Bjorn Helps Tame Wild Cats

The Animal Rescue League of Boston is revolutionizing the way we tame feral cats.  The team has come up with an amazing shirt that incorporates form with function, allowing them to move around and go about their tasks while they socialize cats. It's called the Kitten Bjorn and it helps workers socialize cats and get them used to people throughout the day. There have been a few pieces of cat clothing made over the years allowing owners to bond with their cats but this one actually has mesh to allow the cat room to see without feeling so vulnerable.

The shelter has a talented seamstress who designs the clothing and each piece is different. Some are slip-on aprons!

What do you think of the invention?

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Meet the World's Longest Cat

Omar is in the running for the title!

Maine coon lovers already know how huge and fluffy these awesome cats are. My family has a Maine mix and he is just gorgeous and incredibly loving. Omar the Maine Coon is large, like many cats in this breed, and his owner has entered him to become the world's longest cat. Omar is 14 pounds and measures 120 cm to from toe to tail, which is over 47 inches long! Omar is also a pretty spoiled cat. His owner, who lives in Australia, maintains a steady diet of raw kangaroo meat for the feline, who refuses to eat pretty much everything else.

Do any of your cats have such breathtaking features? Share your cat stories and photos in the chat below.

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Does Your Cat Crave Dirt?

Better schedule a visit with the vet

If you've got an outdoor cat, chances are that you've seen it eat grass now and then. When they throw up the grass (which they cannot digest, by the way; the puking is normal), it can help them clean out the rest of the gunk (particularly hair) that they build up. But if you see your cat eating dirt, your cat may have a problem. Like other animals who seek out salt and other minerals, your cat may not be absorbing the nutrients it needs, which makes it search for them elsewhere--in this case, in the dirt.

The act of eating the dirt is called Pica, and it may not be a sign of anything bad at all. It's like cats who lick plastic bags: it could just be a personal preference. That said, some cats who eat dirt may be anemic, have cancer or other health problems. Get your cat checked just to be safe.

Does your cat engage in pica?


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Cat vs. Snake

Who would you bet on?

When I had outdoor cats, they regularly brought me little “gifts” of lizards, birds and even some small snakes. This cat in Texas, however, decided that instead of taking on a snake way too big to handle, it might deem the serpent friendly enough to establish companionship with the creature!

People are calling the cat the “Fearless Laguna Vista Cat,” as it sat nonchalantly with the rattlesnake even as Texas law enforcement officers warned people to not approach the snake for their own safety. Apparently this cat didn’t get the memo as he or she was content to lazily watch the snake at a pretty close range, appearing pretty unafraid when faced with the dangerous reptile.

Have you ever had a cat who thought he might be a tiger or a lion? Tell us about your cat who laughs in the face of danger.

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Dealing with Feline Leukemia

It's not always a death sentence

Yesterday we took our poor cat to the vet because she wasn’t eating. We thought it might be allergies, as it’s happened twice before and I was always able to get her to eat with some wet food, a little forced water and some Benedryl. The vet said while those were good strategies, it turns out that our girl probably has feline leukemia.

Feline leukemia, or feline AIDS, is not transmittable to any other animals aside from cats, but they can spread it to each other through scratching. While your cat can live with it, it’s very important that he or she be kept away from germs as much as possible—given fresh food and water and kept in a very clean environment. She’s still not eating well, but doing a bit better after antibiotics, electrolyte and steroid injections, so keep your fingers crossed for us and be sure to get your cats checked out regularly.

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