Cat Introduces Kitten To Baby

This adorable TikTok is one to watch!

This cute TikTok is sure to get most people to smile: a cat decided to introduce her kitten to her owner's baby. The cat, a two-year-old ragdoll, places her kitten next to the baby as if to show it off. Her owner playfully asks why and gives the cat a voice, responding that it's so they can play together. The whole thing is adorable and worth a watch.

Cats seem to behave strangely around babies, and even around pregnant women. One of my cats gave me the cold shoulder when I got pregnant and seemed to know before I did, while the other one, who was a bit wild and typically had nothing to do with me, wanted to cuddle me suddenly. Cats are very strange.

How does your cat react to babies? Do you have any funny stories? Share them in the chat.

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