Halloween Cat Finds

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As a lover of all things Halloween, I'm super excited that it's rapidly approaching. Halloween goodies aren't limited to just us humans, of course! From costumes to houses, scratching posts to toys, there are all kinds of fun Halloween goodies to make our cats happy, too.

We love the cat Halloween houses sold each year at Target and Aldi. They only seem to get cuter! But have you seen the little candy corn cat toys, or the holiday cat collars, or the cute Halloween mice toys made for cats that are stuffed with catnip?

What cute cat goodies will you be buying for Halloween?

Cute Kilkenny Cat Art!

Share your finds!

Halloween is the perfect time for us cat lovers, especially if you love black cats! It's also a great time to pick up some purrfect cat art, like these cute Kilkenny cat pieces

From ornaments to paintings, there is something for everyone and plenty of cat cuteness to stock up on Halloween decorations in general! 

Where do you like to find cat art? Share it in the chat! 

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Cat Owners May Live Longer

A study shows another benefit of being a cat owner

The debate between which companion, cat or dog, is better may always rage on, and there are valid points on both sides of the aisle on this one. As a cat person who loves both and has both, I really can see the benefits (and the drawbacks!) to having both animals.

A new study suggests that cat owners not only live longer, but are 30% less likely to suffer from heart attacks. This is a little peculiar to me as my cats love to break things, kill plants and engage in other shenanigans that could possibly raise blood pressure. My dogs also get me walking more. Then again, I do worry more about my dogs, who don't always seem to have common sense and have to be looked after when I travel much more than my cats.

Which pet do you think makes you healthier? Share your thoughts in the chat.

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Cute Cat Masks

Where did you get yours?

My family has two sets of masks for each of us, which is starting to not be enough--especially if I forget to wash them or my husband needs to swap them when they get wet, which they do in a hot warehouse after many hours of working. So we're looking for some new ones, and as cat lovers, I thought we'd get some masks with cats on them.

We've been buying most of our masks on Etsy. We did get some from friends initially, which we also distributed to relatives, but they just didn't work out. We've had more success trying out different fabrics and sizes that we like--especially my husband, who needs a larger size. I found these cute cat masks for sale, but I thought I'd see if you know of even cuter ones!

What cat masks are you selling or where are you buying them? Share them in the chat!

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The Halloween Cat Scratching Post Houses Are Back!

Will you be getting one?

Target's Halloween selection was so on point last year, but it quickly ran out, leaving the duds of the collection behind when we finally managed to go check out their Hide and EEK Boutique. At the top of our list, their adorable Halloween cat scratching post house sold out super fast, and we never managed to snag one.

The houses are already returning for sale on the Target website, which means I'm betting you will have to snag them before they are gone! They have even more designs to choose from this year, so hopefully they won't sell as fast, but I wouldn't bet on it--especially with as many people who buy them just to sell them again at outrageous rates later. I saw so many on eBay last year.

What other fun Halloween cat products have you seen being released lately?

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Keeping Cats Calm and Happy

How do you do it?

When my cats are distressed at the vet, sometimes they offer a towel sprayed with pheremones that significantly helps them calm down. This may not work for all cats but it has for mine in the past. It turns out that you can actually buy plug-ins that emit these scents into your home!

There are also supplements for cats, although I'm not sure if they work well or not. Obviously you can also remove cat stressors, provide privacy boxes and scratching posts and otherwise help alleviate stress.
How do you help your cats chil out at home?

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Scientists Say Cat Snuggling Equals No Dates

For men, at least

Scientists say that women who look at photos of men with cats are less interested in them than they are interested in photos of men without them, according to a new study. Women even rated the men without cats in their photos with higher desirable characteristics than the photos without cats.

This makes me believe two things. 1. It's ridiculous that a study like this is even being conducted when there are so many more important things to figure out, and when it could possibly lead in the decline of cat adoptions! and 2. What is wrong with the people surveyed? Cats are the best and I for one would be MORE interested. In fact, I'm in a Facebook group that features hot dads of cats. No joke!

Do you think people who have cats are more or less attractive? Or do you think it really has no bearing on their desirability? Share your opinions in the chat.

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Helping Kitty Lose Weight

What has worked for you?

Ever since she was fixed last summer, my Gizmo has just grown and grown. Now I fear we're going to have to take her to the vet and maybe even embark on a special diet! I'm loathe to do this since I have multiple cats and dogs who eat in the same room and not many places to close a door for her to eat (or keep her out of their food)!

I was hoping we could just increase her exercise, as she was much more active before her alteration. I just read that cats need bursts of play throughout the day, which totally makes sense to me, and as a cat owner my entire life, I'm a little embarrassed I never even noticed that!

What kinds of things did your vet do to help your cat lose weight? I'd love to hear about what to expect in the chat!

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Your Dream Cat

Tell us about your dream cat!

After losing all of our original family cats over the years, none of us feel especially close to our "new" cats, even though we've had all of them for over a year, some longer. I do think we adopted on the "rebound" rather too quickly, but my husband wanted to cheer me up and kept showing me cats to adopt. The next time we adopt, we've decided to take our time.

In my perfect cat, I'd find... well, my best friend, who died a few years ago right around Mother's Day. I still don't feel the same since she's gone. My perfect cat would purr loudly, know to curl up next to me when I'm having cramps or just feeling blue, snuggle with me when I sleep and work and, well, be my BFF. I'd also love another black cat and maybe even a Dobby cat or another Maine Coon mix.

What would your perfect cat look and act like?

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Goofy Cat Ownership

What is the silliest thing you do as a cat owner?

Being a cat owner sometimes makes you act in strange ways, amirite? My partner and I have found ourselves at home on date night just entertaining ourselves with the cats and laser lights. I'm almost certain that cats have mystical powers of putting you to sleep by rubbing up on you and purring. And we even make stuff in our houses to accommodate our cats, like putting carpet up on top of shelves so they can scratch or relax there.

One of the goofiest things I do as a cat owner is give my cats voices and make them say weird things that they probably aren't even thinking. My poor cats are probably not nearly as sassy as I make them out to be in my voices... or are they?

What is the silliest thing you do as a cat owner? Share it in the chat!

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