January 2013

Lost cat travels 190 miles home

Holly is a lucky kitty indeed!

Last November, Jacob and Bonnie Richter took their cat Holly on vacation with them. They traveled in their motor home from West Palm Beach to Daytona, Florida. Holly, a four year old tortoiseshell, was doing pretty well until someone set off fireworks too close to the Richters' motor home. Holly shot out the open door and was gone in a flash.

Not using litter box

My 5yr old cat started pooping on carpet thanksgiving when I was gone for 2weeks. I've been gone before in past no problem. He only does this in the middle of the night so I can't catch him. He lives with a 3 yr old cat. Dr. Says he fine medically. I don't know if I should scold him so far I have ignored it. Obviously he is upset about something. Any suggestions? Thanks Sharon.cox44@yahoo.com

Do you love your cats enough to tattoo them on your back?

This cat lover adopted five special-needs cats and loved them dearly.

As cat lovers, we love our kitties. That's how it works. Each one has its own unique personality, leaving its own mark on your life as they pass through on their too-short journeys with us. Each cat owner chooses to immortalize their beloved pets in a different way. Some more different than others.