November 2011
Uncovering Litter Box Problems
If your cat isn't using the litter box, though, it's important to ask yourself why. Usually the cat has a reason for its behavior, and it's up to you to figure it out.
Are Two Cats Better Than One?
Our Favorite Movies with Cats
5 Reasons Why Cats are Better than Dogs
- Cats make better space heaters. There is nothing like a cat on your lap or curled up next to you in bed to help keep you warm. Cats are soft and comfortable when used for this purpose, whereas dogs tend to kick and stick their feet straight out so that they take up the whole bed if you don't watch out. Also, there seems to be a rule with dogs that if they are small enough to fit in your lap, they have to be too vicious to cuddle.
- Cats don't harass you to go outside every 5 minutes. And if yours do, please see my post about why cats should be kept indoors.
- Cats don't need as much attention. In fact, many cats would rather not have so much attention. They don't harass you to play with them, take them for walks, give them treats, or whatnot. Most of the time they are fairly independent, but if you're lazing around wanting someone to cuddle with you, chances are they are up for that!
- Cats can take themselves potty. You don't have to make sure to let your cats outside to go to the bathroom regularly like you do with dogs. Just give them a litter box and they are fairly self-reliant. All you have to do is remember to clean it.
- Cats don't bark. Usually.
What about you? Do you prefer cats, and why?
Animal Vaccinations
I recently noticed my youngest cat becoming more aggressive. She started to hiss at my older cat and to do unusual things like jump on doors and slide down with her claws. I thought about calling the vet and then remembered I never had the distemper vaccine administered to her. I had always heard that the distemper shot helped to calm them. I decided to research the vaccine and realized it has nothing to do with temperament. Distemper is a viral disease passed between felines through contact, usually saliva, and it is usually fatal. Although outdoor cats are at highest risk, humans can also pass the virus to indoor cats with contaminated clothing or by touching an infected cat.
Ah, Those Hoity-Toity Persians
Adopting a Cat From the Shelter
If you are looking to adopt a cat, or really, any animal, it is always a good idea to check out the local shelter. There are a lot of great reasons to take home a shelter animal to your home.
What's With Jumping on the Counter?
They are not even subtle about getting on the counter. We will be relaxing in the family room and hear the telltale “thump!” of paws hitting the floor after an evening snack. If they hear us walking into the room, they will jump down but hang around as if they know we can’t do anything without proof.
Introducing a New Cat
As he became comfortable in our home, though, another side of him emerged -- no longer scared of everything, he became aggressively playful, with a perverse enjoyment of doing stuff he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing.
Playing with Your Cat
Just like kids with two legs, those with four legs appreciate playtime as well. Playtime does not have to be hard or even a lot of work on your part though if you are not as energetic as your cat is. There are ways to play that will tire them out without a lot of energy on your party.
Wrestle – Sit down on the floor with your cat. Chances are, they are going to come up to you as they are curious why you are on the floor and then you can wrestle with them. Keep it light and gentle until you know what your cat is willing to put up with. Some cats will get right into it and you can play hard, but some prefer the gentle type of fighting.
Toys – There are a lot of different toys out there that you can buy for your cat and they can end up costing a lot of money. But some of the best toys are the cheapest ones that you can make at home. One idea is taking some tin foil and roll it up in a ball and toss it. My cats love to attack these and it will keep them entertained for a few hours. Another option would be a toilet paper roll. One of my cats recently found some bubble wrap and it was hilarious watching her play with it.
Lasers – Cats love chasing lasers and trying to catch them. Whether you have a laser pen or some other source, this is a great lazy activity for you to use to wear out your cat. Make sure the beam moves randomly to make it more interesting.
Ear Mites In Cats
If you see one of these symptoms, you can examine the inside of your cat's ear for signs of ear mites. The mites themselves are too small for the human eye to actually see without the aid of a special instrument but you can usually see evidence of ear mites if they have established themselves.
What you will see will look like your cat's ear is extra dirty inside. Dark waxy spots. Sometimes you will also see "hairy" material. But basically, look for a grimy dirty appearance.
Should We Let Our Cats Outside?
Pet: Indoors only. Not a pet (e.g., barn cat, mouser, whatever -- you don't have any attachment to them): Outdoors okay.
Indoor-only cats live a lot longer than indoor/outdoor cats -- on average twice as long. There are a lot of things that can end an outdoor cat's life, such as getting hit by a car, predators such as foxes and coyotes, poison (rat poison, antifreeze, etc.), dogs, cat fights, etc. Indoor cats, on the other hand, are much less likely to be poisoned, won't be hit by cars or killed by predators, and will most likely live out long healthy lives until old age or disease takes them.
Raw Food for Cats
Feeding your animal companions food from a bag is the equivalent of feeding yourself processed food. The result is obesity, disease, dehydration, damage to internal organs and a general feeling of discomfort. In the wild, cats will seek prey and eat most of the internal organs without the ill effects of bacteria, due to the high level of acid in the stomach. As with most animals, the cat’s digestive system is very different than that of a human.
The Elegant Maine Coon
Captain Jenks of the Horse Marines was the first Maine Coon to be written about, back in 1861. A Maine Coon won the Best Cat award in 1895 at the Madison Square Garden Show. After that, the breed declined in popularity until its resurgence in the 1950's. The Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association was formed in 1968 and the breed has continued to be popular ever since.