Meds For Cats

Hopefully this startup will

If you've ever had a sick or injured cat, you know how hard it is to find a way to help. While many doctors will prescribe meds for cats with chronic conditions (my oldest is currently on four medications!), most really aren't approved for cats, and for a good reason: it can be dangerous. Cats usually don't get pain meds, either, since they can get hurt or die from them so easily. My big, hearty dogs are much easier to care for while sick or injured (although keeping them still is another matter; I'm so glad I'll never have to get them spayed again!).

That's why a startup like this one in Boston will be a lifesaver if it comes through with research development for animal drugs. I see that two conditions that cats we've had in the past had and died from are on the list, and this gives me hope that someday treatments will help pet owners who suffer like I did, and pets who suffered like my very much loved animals did, will be available.

What do you think of Invetx? What conditions do you hope they find treatments for soon?

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