Lynxes Are Being Trapped in MN

Help share their plight and take action

The Center for Biological Diversity is fighting for the Lynx's life. In Minnesota, there are only around 50 of the wild cats left after the feds have weakened their protections to the bare minimum, allowing them to continually be trapped and now a 528-acre open-pit mine is further threatening the Lynxes. While this mining is not legal in the Superior National Forest, the Forest Service is violating the endangered species act to allow it and the death of more wildlife.

This is completely unacceptable and unethical. This area is made up of 4,000 acres of forest and wetlands where so many species live--and the mining will cause lasting, likely permanent, damage. The Center for Biological Diversity is asking for donations to help them fight the Forest Service in stopping the project and protecting wildlife, so please give and share if you can. Be sure to share this information with everyone you know as well.

Do you know of any other ways to help or advocate for cats--wild or domestic--this week? Do you have any actions or news items to share? Post them in the chat so we can act together. 

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