Family finds frozen kitten; nurses him back to health

Family finds frozen kitten; nurses him back to health

Happy holidays for one little kitty!
On Thanksgiving morning, the Bingham family was having a relaxing time in their family cabin in Utah, surrounded by snowdrifts - and something else.
The family discovered a stray kitten, seemingly lifeless, who had been buried beneath a snowdrift. The kitten had no detectible heartbeat, but the Binghams didn't give up hope.
They brought the kitten inside, set him in a box beside the fireplace, and performed CPR. Incredibly, the tiny kitten was revived. 
Named "Lazarus" for obvious reasons, the kitten has since been adopted by one of the family members. An emergency vet visit gave little Lazarus a clean bill of health. Although presumably he only has eight lives left, after this little kitty escapade!