How much of the internet is devoted to cat traffic?

How much of the internet is devoted to cat traffic?

Much debate about the numbers
Everyone knows that the internet loves cats. But exactly how much does it love cats? 
In 2013, Friskies asserted that 15 percent of internet traffic is cat-related. An impressive statistic, given that it is generally accepted that about 30 percent of all internet traffic is porn-related. Could cats really account for half as much traffic as porn? 
(So many inappropriate puns; so little time.)
An installation at the Museum of the Moving Image called "How Cats Took Over the Internet" provides a window into our collective fascination with cat videos. Jason Eppink, the curator of the show, started his project by doing research. He talked to specialists at Reddit, YouTube, Tumblr, BuzzFeed, and Instagram and discovered that cats make up about .3 percent of the traffic on these sites.
.3 percent seems a little more likely, given the volume of traffic. It's still nothing to turn up your whiskers at, though!