Choosing the Right Pet

Choosing the Right Pet

Kittens, Puppies, or Rodents, Oh My?

Just the other day, the little girl I nanny for lost the second of her gerbils to old age.  The first one died a couple of weeks ago, and since they were sisters and had been together since birth, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that the second followed so soon.

Almost immediately, she and her brother were talking about what they might choose for a new pet.  Although I discouraged getting another pet so soon, certainly not before they've finished grieving for their gerbils, at some point they will need to decide what the right pet is for them.

Their dad was vetoing a dog, which was apparently the first thing they thought of when their parents said they could get something bigger, something that required a little more care, this time.  I thought about suggesting a cat, but then it occurred to me that a cat might not be the right choice for this family.  The parents are neat freaks and a little type A, and I can't see it going over well if they have to train a kitten not to claw the furniture, or clean up the occasional hairball.

These are the kinds of things you have to consider when you are trying to decide which kind of animal you should keep as a pet.  For instance, if you are very busy, a time-consuming animal, such as a puppy, is probably not the right choice for you.  Likewise, if you are a neat freak, a dog that is going to track in dirt at all times of the year will most likely make you a little crazy.

Whatever type of pet you decide on, rest assured that they are ALL rewarding in their own ways.  Smaller pets can be lots of fun to hold and play with, while cats and dogs are more involved with your daily life.  What works for one person may not work for another, though, so make sure you keep your personal preferences and habits in mind when shopping for a new pet!