Hairless Cats in Cold Climates

Hairless Cats in Cold Climates

We visited a home the other day that had multiple hairless dogs, and I started thinking about all those hairless cat breeds that also must suffer in our cold winter climates here in the north.  I suppose it is easier for cats than dogs, because cats can have an indoor litter box and never have to step foot outdoors in the winter.

Some might argue that cats will be unhappy if they are locked indoors all the time, and I certainly have never kept a cat solely indoors, so what happens if you have a hairless cat that also likes to venture outdoors?

I know there are sweaters for cats, but if you think of us hairless humans and how we dress to go outside in the winter, a single sweater seems grossly inadequate for keeping those poor kitties warm.  I can’t imagine the hassle of putting boots (if it could even be done) and other winter gear on a cat, but I can’t imagine sending them outdoors to freeze in the winter, either.

I suppose a cat is able to make its own decisions – if it wants to go outside badly enough to brave the cold in just a sweater, it is probably capable of deciding to do just that.  They are certainly smart enough to know when they are cold and ready to come in, but what if you aren’t there to open the door?

What do you think?  Can a hairless cat go outside in the winter?  How much clothing would you put on it?