Cat Custody Battles

Cat Custody Battles

In a world where people are increasingly distant from each other, we strive to find a connection that is meaningful and lasting.  For some people, that connection is a pet, and they can form a bond that is almost as strong as a parent to a child.  For that reason, when a couple who had pets instead of children decides to go their separate ways, the battle over who takes the pets can become incredibly fierce.

While outsiders may see a custody battle over a pet as a childish game or something to laugh at, it is anything but comical to the people involved.  A cat may not feel the drama like a child would, but the “parents” may feel many of the same emotions during a cat custody battle – fear, desperation, anger, etc.

So what do you do if you are splitting up and trying to decide where the cats should go?  Even the most devoted and loving cat owner may not be willing or able to go to court for their cat, but there is still a need for a fair agreement that will ensure the cat is cared for.

Unlike children, cats do not adjust well to split living conditions.  You can’t expect a cat to adapt to spending every other week with the other “parent,” but it isn’t fair to ask one person to completely give up their relationship with the cat.

Have you been through a cat custody battle?  What solution did you come up with, and do you think it was fair for everyone?