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Introducing a New Cat to the Family

How do you do it?

Recently my family adopted a new cat and we are going through the process of introducing her to our other pets. We've been in this situation before but it's been many years, and it's funny how much you forget! So far she's done pretty well, but both the other cats and the dogs have given her a tough time. The dogs have just been excited to see her, of course, but the other cats have done some hissint and attempted to start a fight or two. 

First we gave her a blanket that they like to lie on to help her get used to them, then we took her original towel and let them sniff it. They didn't seem very impressed but she was very curious about the blanket! Next we let them have a little time to visit supervised, which went so-so. There was some hissing but not much else. Now that she has the lay of the land there have been some scuffles but no serious fighting... so far. It's only been two days so hopefully they get accustomed to one another quickly.

How do you introduce your cat to your other pets?


Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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