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Missing cat rides the train home

The cutest commuter!
When a family in Lancashire, England lost their 13 year-old cat Charlie, after two weeks they assumed he was gone forever.  Imagine their astonishment when they learned that Charlie was waiting at the train station for them to pick him up.
Charlie boarded the train at the next town over, in Colne. He then rode the train for half an hour before stepping off at the correct station (Accrington).
A passenger saw Charlie debark the train, and alerted train staff to the cat's presence. Charlie hopped off the train and settled himself at the platform, appearing for all the world as if he was waiting for his ride.
Train station staff picked Charlie up and took him to a local vet, who scanned his microchip. Unfortunately, Charlie's family hadn't updated their contact information in the microchip company's database, so they were not able to contact the family. 
Instead, staff posted Charlie's picture to their Facebook account. Surprisingly, the picture quickly found its way to the right family. 
There are no shortage of stories of cats finding their ways home from a great distance. But Charlie's calm, collected train ride is one of my favorites!

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