Cat behavior decoded
How cat's ears reveal their mood.
Cats are mysterious animals, but ones which people tend to love. Since they are so mysterious, though, a person may want to learn more about what cat's movements means. When people know this, it is easier for him or her to know what their animals are thinking at any given time. However, the main focal point for this will be their ears, as they can give you quite a bit of information. This is mainly based off of my experience with my cats.
Normal position for the cats ears are up and perky. This generally means the cat is very happy and not thinking about doing anything naughty. However, a person may also notice when the ears are up like this that the animal is sucking in noise and the ears will turn like a little radar dish toward a sound if they do not want to move their head.
The next position that people may find is the one which can be frightening if you see the cat coming toward you. This is when the ears are laying flat back against their head. When the ears are flat like this, it generally means the cat is getting ready to pounce and this can mean the owner may be the target, or something else that is not expecting to be pounced upon. So this is the position many people find when the animals are hunting or pouncing on prey.
Getting a cat can be exciting. However, people may want to know more about the behavior of a cat and how to predict it. When people know more information about the cat's ears though, it is easy for them to predict what the cat is going to do in the next few minutes.