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Please Help with a Cat Problem

Came home and discovered our cat had defecated on the carpet in the corner of the room. No big deal, cleaned it up but then discovered somehow the kitty door to

our basement (and her litter box) and gotten partially jammed/locked so all day she couldn't get downstairs! So took care of the door but then a short time later,

discovered our cat had also urinated in the center of the couch!! The cushions absorbed the urine as well as the base of the couch (it was 12 yrs old anyway). We have

no choice but to replace the couch but we are confused as to why the cat chose to urinate on the couch and not the carpet, etc??? Also, as we had to secure the cat in the basement while we cleaned...we are now concerned that if she is let back up in the rest of our home, she will still think she can't use the litter box and will do this again, somewhere else...

Is this a real concern? Also, is it a concern that she chose the couch and not just the carpet?

Thank you.

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