Cat only pops right outside of box

My Seymore is 3 yrs old. He's always been a handful but we love him. Last year we adopted another cat, soon after he peed on our couch several times. That has since been resolved. I have 2litter boxes& clean them daily. Samuel is great. Seymore now pees in the box( I am grateful) bu, poops outside of it. He's not hanging over it too far I've caught him. That seems to be his preference! Is this something I have to live with? Also I have new couches coming soon & I'm petrified he might test them out!!


Declawed cats will often poop outside the litter box, because the litter is painful on their toes. 

Have you changed the brand of litter that you use? If so, go back to the brand you used to use. If not, try experimenting with a different brand or type.

What kind of litter box do you have? Does it have a cover? Try getting a covered box if you don't have one, or removing the cover if you do have one.

Cats can be very fussy about their boxes. Trial and error - keep trying, you will find the answer!

In the meantime, lay sheets of newspaper out on the floor in front of the box. It will make clean up a lot easier.

Good luck, and thanks for caring enough to stick it out with your kitties through these troubles!


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