Food & Beverage

Make Some Cat-Shaped Bread!

Staying at home may cause much stress, but it's also brought out the creativity among so many people that it reminds us what a creative species we are to begin with. Can you imagine what humans could do if we all had time to be bored on a regular basis? I maintain that's the one thing geniuses who've changed the world had in common (besides sheer curiosity)--time on their hands to experiment!

Grilled Cantaloupe Dessert

I was at my local Safeway store today and noticed they have Cantaloupe on sale for only $ 0.99 each! Whatta deal! I was at the store because I had the urge to grill on what is likely one of the last beautiful Seattle Summer days before the "long grey" approaches. Naturally, I was hoping that I could include this miracle melon in my plans - and I did. I have got to tell you Grilled Cantelope may just be my new favorite thing.

Man Pees in Cups, Then Leaves Cups on Bar- Classy!

We have all heard the questionable statistic about how many different types of urine can be found in bar nuts, but THIS STORY from America’s strangest state in the nation fricking takes the absolute cake. A Brazilian student, Adolofo Mosmann, in Florida allegedly peed into two cups and put the urine on a bar counter.

MMMMMMM? I don’t think so. Gross.

 What could he possibly have been thinking? The bar had restrooms and I’m sure that if the bar was occupied, there must have been a street or vacant lot in the vicinity where he could have urinated in a little more socially more acceptable place, but he chose to instead to pee right there and leave the urine on the bar counter as a generous tip for the bartender. Lucky.

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