Oh, gosh. Who's chopping onions in here? Cause my face is leaking seawater. One of the survivors of the recent tornados in the southern US was reunited with her lost feline friend during a TV interview with CBS. This senior citizen from Tuscaloosa, Alabama lost everything when disaster hit. Her home was dessicated and she only survived by crouching behind a wall just in time. At the start of the interview, she had found two of her three cats. She had been looking for the third for weeks. In the middle of filming the interview, a shaggy, bedraggled cat came back up to her former home. My favorite part of the video is when you can hear kitty purring from ten feet away. A happy cat indeed.
For some reason, it's always the animal stories that get me when I read about disasters. I had the biggest emotional response to the Japan earthquakes when I saw a photo of a little girl curled up with her dog who had been lost and then found among the ruins. The kind of loyalty that brings a pet back to its owner through the worst of times is amazing. I love these reunion stories. Seeing an old lady find her beloved pet in the rubble reminds us that the little points of relief in tragedy help those who have lost nearly everything keep going.