Simon's Cat: Short Diversions for Cat Lovers

Simon's Cat: Short Diversions for Cat Lovers

A lot of cat owners have seen -- and related to -- the hilarious black-and-white cartoon of a cat trying to wake his owner up in the morning in order to get fed.  This video is just one of many animated shorts called "Simon's Cat."

Simon's Cat is by a cartoonist named -- you guessed it -- Simon.  Watching his cartoons, there can be no doubt that they are truly based on at least one cat.  Any cat owner (and lover) will recognize typical feline antics in the videos.

My favorite is an older cartoon in the series, "The Box."  I love it because it reminds me so much of a cat I had until he passed away a couple of years ago.  Many cat owners can generate hours of good entertainment simply by putting a box on the floor for their cat to investigate, but Prince especially loved them.  He would sit inside them and meow (loudly -- he was deaf), and then go through pretty much the same process as the cartoon cat in Simon's Cat.  "Sticky Tape," a video where the cartoon cat gets tape stuck to his feet and can't get it off without getting it stuck to something else, also reminds me so much of Prince.

Some of the naughtier behavior, on the other hand -- such as in "Fly Guy," "Lunch Break," and "Santa Claws" -- is more like the young monster of a cat my husband and I have now.  Ivan.  The Terrible.  And oh, he is -- he has a talent for destruction.  Let's put it this way: He is lucky he is cute!

What about you?  What antics seen in Simon's Cat remind you of your feline friends?