Feeding your animal companions food from a bag is the equivalent of feeding yourself processed food. The result is obesity, disease, dehydration, damage to internal organs and a general feeling of discomfort. In the wild, cats will seek prey and eat most of the internal organs without the ill effects of bacteria, due to the high level of acid in the stomach. As with most animals, the cat’s digestive system is very different than that of a human.
Starting a raw food diet for your cat is not easy for the human to digest. Some buy frozen mice and thaw before feeding. Some people buy scraps from a trusted butcher; some add probiotics for intestinal health. For a more holistic approach, small amounts of fruits, vegetables and grains can be incorporated but they are not necessary for the actual well-being of the feline. If you cannot stomach the raw food diet for the feline, a modification of your cat’s diet can also be helpful.
If you are interested in starting a raw food diet or modifying your cat’s current diet, it is wise to speak with a veterinarian to determine the best way to begin because some precautions should be taken.