Playing with Your Cat

Playing with Your Cat

Just like kids with two legs, those with four legs appreciate playtime as well.  Playtime does not have to be hard or even a lot of work on your part though if you are not as energetic as your cat is.  There are ways to play that will tire them out without a lot of energy on your party.

Wrestle – Sit down on the floor with your cat.  Chances are, they are going to come up to you as they are curious why you are on the floor and then you can wrestle with them.  Keep it light and gentle until you know what your cat is willing to put up with.  Some cats will get right into it and you can play hard, but some prefer the gentle type of fighting. 

Toys – There are a lot of different toys out there that you can buy for your cat and they can end up costing a lot of money.  But some of the best toys are the cheapest ones that you can make at home.  One idea is taking some tin foil and roll it up in a ball and toss it.  My cats love to attack these and it will keep them entertained for a few hours.  Another option would be a toilet paper roll.  One of my cats recently found some bubble wrap and it was hilarious watching her play with it.

Lasers – Cats love chasing lasers and trying to catch them.  Whether you have a laser pen or some other source, this is a great lazy activity for you to use to wear out your cat.   Make sure the beam moves randomly to make it more interesting.