Our Favorite Movies with Cats

Our Favorite Movies with Cats

Since the days of the early Egyptians, cats have held a special place in our hearts.  We love to care for them, enjoy their playful antics and spend lots of time – and money – to keep our feline friends happy.  That they naturally expect those things just adds to the fun.  Many of us have been influenced by famous movie star cats, even choosing to name our beloved pets after them.  I wonder how many orange tabbies named Milo have wandered this earth after the movie Milo & Otis.  Here are some of the most popular movies featuring cats.

Milo & Otis
My kids love this movie.  I can’t count how many times we had to watch it, until the DVD stopped working.  I can’t say I was disappointed.  It’s a fantastic movie, but only for the first 100 or so times you watch it. 

The Aristocats
Though technically not real cats, The Aristocats is a classic cat flick featuring the voice talents of Eva Gabor and Phil Harris.  The main cat stars Thomas O’Malley and Duchess, have their own love story as they try to return Duchess and her kittens to the mansion she was taken from.  I am sure this movie spawned hundreds of little Duchesses throughout the country.

Harry Potter
Let us not forget Crookshanks, the trusty sidekick for Hermione Granger throughout the Harry Potter films.  Though a little cliché, Hermione and Crookshanks make a great witch-cat pair.

What are some other favorite cat films that have positively influenced your view of cats?