My Scaredy Cat Sophia

My Scaredy Cat Sophia

Hi! 2 years ago I went to the local Animal Shelter and bought my love, Sophia. Sophia and I have bonded real well during this time. The only problem I have with Sophia, who may be anywhere between 4 and 6 years old, has a problem being around anyone else. Sophia lives with me (obviously - full 2 years) and my fiance (1 1/2 yrs). If I am home alone, Sophia will follow me everywhere but if my fiance is home she will not come out from underneath the couch until we have been sitting down and not moving for a while but will sleep with us at night. Sophia also will NEVER come out from underneath the couch when we have any sort of company. Can I break her of this? What could she be scared of? Anyone have any ideas on how I can work with her to feel secure around strangers?