help my cats are smelling up my house

help my cats are smelling up my house

someone please help, i have two cats one i've had for 7 years and one i've had for a year. i got both when they were kittens and there is no relation between the two but my older cat takes care of the younger one as if she is it's mommy. the problem is my younger cat just got her first heat (both cats are females), and now she is starting to poop throughout my house, mainly on my kids bed and on my couch.I clean the mess up and wash everything but she still poops in the same area as before mostly when no one is home or everyone is asleep. she is an indoor cat and she still uses the litter box at times to poop in but this is getting bad and very upseting to me. my other cat now pees everywhere. I disipline them but they still do it. what can I do to stop this and is there something I can buy to spray in those area to keep them from doing it anywhere else. i do keep a very clean house so i know it can't be that.