Help Generate Funds Through the Tiger Stamp

Help Generate Funds Through the Tiger Stamp

Wild tigers have dwindled down from 100,000 to less than 3,200 in less than 100 years. This is an incredible loss of species due to conflict with humans, loss of habitat, and of course, illegal poaching. In order to save this species from extinction—which is exactly where it is heading—the U.S. Senate has proposed introducing a new stamp to help fund integral conservation programs for the jungle cat.

This has to be one of the coolest ideas ever put to work for big cat conservation—and it’s definitely much cooler than those awful Elvis Presley stamps we had to bear years ago. With just a few extra cents every time we buy stamps, we could help protect tigers by funding efforts to stop poaching, educating the public about the tigers and how to protect them, and creating protected areas to give these animals—as well as other species—safe grounds to live on.

Right now, road developments, farming ventures, logging activity and urban development are all destroying tiger habitat, forcing them to find a new home—or being killed in the process. Meanwhile, poachers are hunting down the beautiful creatures and selling their pelts and bones for profit. Even some Chinese folk medicine practitioners are exacerbating the species loss as they hunt or buy tiger body parts for medicines. We know that funding is often very difficult to come by these days, so this stamp act is a very welcome solution to this bleak situation.

Please write to your Congress members and ask them to pass this act. Once it passes, be sure to purchase the stamps if you can and generate some much-needed funds for these majestic animals.

Here are some other ways you can help tigers today:

Click for the tigers. You can click every day (for free!) and generate a donation to preserve tiger habitat at offers similar features.

At the Save the Tigers Fund, you can learn more about the plight of the tiger, donate to save their habitat, and get more involved in campaigning for tigers. Click here to visit their webpage.

Save China’s Tigers has all of the latest news about tigers in China. You can volunteer, adopt a tiger, watch videos, and learn more about tigers in general—including fun tiger facts for kids—a their site.

Indian Tiger is a site where you can learn about tigers and get involved in efforts to help create protected areas for the big cats.