Cat gives world the thumbs-up?

Cat gives world the thumbs-up?

What does it take to be an Internet star? Cuteness helps. Getting a zillion people who need a break from the war news, from the news of uprisings and protests, and from the economic news, from the political news, from the news of pampered, spoiled, drugged up celebrities doing a poop act, getting a whole lot of people and giving them the hello-world-thumbs-up-treatment.

Well, a cat who can give a thumbs up, now that's something special, that's the stuff of a star quality performance, that's something that draws eyeballs to the screen and that makes faces smile.There is a cat who is awww so cute, a cat born with extra digits in his paw, a cat with the ability to make being a star look so easily, a cat who gives the world the thumbs up.

Item from ITN News --"A polydactyl cat who has learned how to give his owners the thumbs-up has become an internet star." See the video.