Are Two Cats Better Than One?

Are Two Cats Better Than One?

When I adopted my cat, I originally got one.  I had no intentions of getting a second one as I live alone and really, why do I need two cats?  But when I was at the shelter, they asked me if I was interested in two kittens instead, to which I said no as there was a particular one that had caught my eye.  Yet, a month later, I was back there adopting a second cat.

Why did I choose a second cat?  I felt that my first cat was lonely when I was at work (maybe it was just me being selfish and thinking that she missed me?) and I thought that a second cat would help keep her company.  I also thought a second cat would be great as the two of them would be able to play together and just do those types of things that cats do.

But due to my first cat being a Siamese, I did not think it would be a good idea to adopt just any cat, but I would need a special cat.  So I talked to the shelter and they recommended a male kitten would be good with my cat.  And it turned out to be a good decision and the two get on wonderfully.

Just like any other siblings, the two of them fight and for the most part, it is just for fun and they are tuning their talents.  But once in a while, it gets a bit more violent and I make them stop.  But on the other end of the spectrum, I will catch them grooming each other or cuddling with each other.

I would highly recommend having two cats.  If you plan to get two at once, it can be a good idea to get siblings as they know each other already.  This is especially easy if you adopting kittens.