Advantages to Cats

Advantages to Cats

When it comes to house pets, the most popular animals are cats and dogs.   If you are trying to decide which animal would suit you better, here are some reasons why cats are superior to dogs (at least in my opinion)

Walking – A cat does not have to be walked each day, multiple times.  They are quite happy to loaf around your house all day and sleep.  This saves you from having to go outside and exercise each day.  This is especially important for those of us that live in cold climates and who do not want to go outside unless we absolutely have to.

Poop – Need I say more?  You ever have to pick up after a dog?  It’s warm and gross even when you have a bag between you and it!

Laid Back – If you are a person who is laid back and likes to be a couch potatoe in the event, you and your will likely be well suited to each other.  My cats and I spend many evenings hanging out on the couch together.  One of mine will even come sit on my lap and watch TV with me, especially if she is getting some attention from me.  Her biggest competition comes from my keyboard which tends to live on my lap most of the time.

Easy to Care For – Cats do not have a lot of needs in their lives.  Water, food, the litter box and a bit of love and attention and they are happy. 

Aloof – One thing about cats, is that they tend not to be constantly vying for your attention.  Cats tend to just hang back and do what they want to do.  If they do not want to sit on your lap, they won’t.   It is like the saying goes, cats have slaves and you are their slave.