Hungry cat

I have a 4 yearold cat who is consistantly hungry. I feed her @1/2 cup a day for her average weight that is plenty. Obviously i am wrong. Does she have a tape worm?

sick kitty

Our kitty has taken sick yesterday 7/4 her tounge has turned yellow on the edges. She is lethargic and will only drink. She has lost her sence of balance. She is a indoor cat 8 months. We will see a vet asap as $ is an issue. We are both disabled people, Can anyone give us some ideas, Please????

my lover

I have a cat who assists on sleeping between me an my partner. I seem to have problem when we want to spend sometime together because my cat is there in a instant. Locking him out of the room doesn't work because he will start meowing. What can I do?

Bad Behaviour

Our cat meows incessantly when it wants out of the bedroom or wants food at 6 am. He didn't used to be like this until recently. We've tried spraying the water bottle but now he's gotten used to that. Any suggestions?

Crazy Veggie Cats?!!

Hi All, Does anyone here live with a cat who seems to prefer fruit, vegetables and pasta to meat? I have one such creature and I am currently writing an article about it. I'd love to hear any stories! Please email me at the above address. Thanks, Alexandra

No Subject

Hi! What's your favorite kind of dog? Tell me, I'm writing a book and I need to know whats the favo dog that people like most?

litter box

Our 10.5 year old cat has decided to use other areas of the house for her litter box. I'm concerned it may be a medical problem - however - not sure what. Her behaviors have not changed (ie - showing signs of illness). I have even carried her downstairs to the litter boxes but she seems scarred and nervous. HELP!

She won't stop crying like a human

Our Cat LiLi is a 10 month old female who has started crying a lot all the time, but she has food, water, treats, toys and plently of love. Is it b/c she is now in heat? Any other possibilitles? Thanks so much, Lawrence

Cat Litter Gets Expensive..

I have four cats and the kitty litter gets expensive. I live alone and also have three large dogs. Needless to say I work to support my pets. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how I can save money on cat litter. I do like the clumpable litter. Thanks - Nikki and the cats - Nigel, Nonni, Lizzy, and Marilyn.

Cat puking everywhere

My cat Sam pukes 2-3 times a week. He doesn't act sick and he's pukes up hair half the time. He's a overeater so I've been monitoring small feeds 3 times a day and he still pukes up water if he can't hurl anything else. I give him hairball formula with no effect. Anyone have any idea what else I can do? My husband wants to get rid of the cat.
