Re: Sick female cat

We just adopted a stray calico cat about 7 mths. She just was in heat and then developed a green puss-like discharge. She has been staying dark places, will not let us pick her up etc. Does anyone know what is wrong with her?

manx cat care

i have been unsuccessful in finding a reliable vet who deals with this breed of cat-Joey is 11 and a half years old, and just recently began displaying symptoms similar to a cold-is there anything i can do or give him to help him?

The cat left behind

I just lost my beloved red tabby Rusty last Tuesday. He battled small cell intestinal lymphoma and arthritis for a almost three years with a pretty good quality of life (thanks to much vet care, holistic and regular) and when he could not go on, I held him while my long-time vet euthanized him. It was the hardest most wrenching thing I have ever experienced and I am in a great deal of grief over this precious animal. However, Callie my calico, who lived with Rusty for 10 years, remains with me and is not doing so well. She cries and longs for Rusty. I don't know how to help her except lots of love and attention. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can communicate to Callie that I have not taken Rusty somewhere and I could bring him back but just won't (I suspect she thinks this) and that he has actually died. Can animals conceive of death? What can I do for my girl... we are a sorry lot. Thanks for any suggestions at all. Laurie

Where to get birds

I have a lovely black cat. Problem is he likes to hunt and I can't let him outside because the coyotes will eat him. He wants birds to eat. Where can I get cheap birds to feed my poor kitty.

Shopping For Your Cat

I was searching the other day for some information about the latest and greatest in litter box technology when I came upon a site named Cat Talk ( ). Before I knew it, I not only had tons of advice about this particular product, but I had found myself reading for hours all sorts of interesting articles, especially about cat related problems! Highly recommended to those that love to shop for their cat(s).

Problems using cat door

Max just doesn't seem to get it! We recently installed a new pet door which gives him access to the room that hold his litter box. We've guided him in and out MANY times but he doesn't quite seem to get that he has to use his head to push through the door. After each "guided" push through the door, we reward him verbally and also follow that up with a treat. Once we "help" him into the room, he does his business but will not come out. He'll "paw" at the door, lie down and reach under the door, but will not come out (nor can we bribe him out). Max is almost 11 months old, he can "sit" on command, knows who mamma and daddy are, knows how to fetch his straws, balls, and teddy bear, but poor Max doesn't know how to make his entrance into a room! Does anyone have any training tips, ideas, or advice that may help Max?


Would anyone recommend me the best brand of cat food available on the market. Thank you for your time Paula

cat trouble

My cat does not get along with my other cats any more! She used to like or at least get along with them but now she just absolutly will not go around them and always gets into fights with them. What is the matter with her?

cat licks hair off? Please help

My cat has been licking the hair off his stomach and legs for about a year now. It all started when we moved into a house that previously had cats. He is about 10 years old and has never done this before. I took him to the vet and he got a cortazone shot. This did not work. I read that he might be lonely so I bought a kitten. This worked great for about a month and the hair started coming off again. The vet then recommended I change his cat food. Once again I thought I found the cure but it only lasted about a month. Now he is bald on the stomach and legs and going for the front legs. I’m lost, I guess I might have to try a cat prozac or something. I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks
